Baltimore, Archdiocese of, senior see of the United States of America, established a diocese April 6, 1789; as an archdiocese April 8, 1808; embraces as all that part of the State of Maryland west of the Chesapeake Bay (6,442 square miles) including also the District of Columbia (64 square miles), making in all 6,502 square miles. The entire population of this area is about 1,273,000. The Catholics, numbering 255,000, are principally of English, Irish, and German descent. There are also Polish, Lithuanian, Bohemian, and Italian congregations, and six churches exclusively for colored people, four in Baltimore, two in Washington. (See Washington, District of Columbia.)
I. COLONIAL PERIOD.—(a) Politico-Religious Beginnings.—Catholic Maryland, the first colony in the New World where religious toleration was established, was planned by George Calvert (first Lord Baltimore), a Catholic convert; founded by his son Cecilius Calvert (second Lord Baltimore), and named for a Catholic queen, Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I of England. Except for the period of Ingle’s Rebellion (1645-47) its government was controlled by Catholics from the landing of the first colony under Leonard Calvert (March 25, 1634) until after 1649, when the Assembly passed the famous act of religious toleration. The first three Lords Baltimore, George, Cecilius, and Charles, were Catholics. The last three, Benedict Leonard, Charles, and Frederick, were Protestants. Puritans who had been given an asylum in Maryland rebelled and seized the government (1652-58) and Catholics were excluded from the administration of the province and restrained in the exercise of their faith. When Lord Baltimore again obtained control (1658), religious liberty was restored until 1692.
Taking advantage of Protestant disturbance in the colony, William of Orange, King of England, declared the Proprietary’s claim forfeited, made Maryland a royal province, and sent over Copley, the first royal governor (1692). The Anglican Church was then made the established church of Maryland, every colonist being taxed for its support. In 1702, religious liberty was extended to all Christians except Catholics. Catholics were forbidden (1704) to instruct their children in their religion or to send them out of the colony for such instruction (1715). Priests were forbidden to exercise their functions and Catholic children could be taken from a Catholic parent. Appealed to by Catholics, Queen Anne intervened and the clergy were permitted to perform their duties in the chapels of private families (December 9, 1704). Thus originated the manor chapels, and the so-called “Priests’ Mass-Houses”. The apostasy of Benedict Leonard Calvert (1713) was a cruel blow to the persecuted Catholics. In 1716 an oath was exacted of office-holders renouncing their belief in Transubstantiation. An act disfranchising Catholics followed (1718). Charles Carroll, father of the Signer, went to France (1752) for the purpose of obtaining a grant of land on the Arkansas River for his persecuted brethren. This plan, however, failed. To exterminate Catholicity an attempt was made to pass a bill confiscating the property of the clergy (May 3, 1754, Lower House Journal in MSS., Maryland Archives). The missionaries, having received land from the Proprietaries upon the same conditions as the other colonists, divided their time between the care of souls and the cultivation of their mission-supporting farms. The cutting off of these revenues, would therefore have been disastrous to the Church. Fortunately this attempt did not succeed. Such were the political conditions until the time of the Revolution (Archives Maryland Hist. Soc. Baltimore; Johnson, Foundations of Maryland, Baltimore, 1883; Johnston, Religious Liberty in Maryland and Rhode Island, Catholic Truth Society Publications; Browne, George and Cecilius Calvert, New York, 1890; Hall, The Lords of Baltimore, ibid., 1902).
(b) The First Missionaries.—In the first colony brought over by the Ark and the Dove (March 25, 1634) were three Jesuits, Fathers Andrew White and John Althan, and a lay brother, Thomas Gervase (White, Relatio Itineris in Marylandiam, Baltimore ed., 1874; cf. Am. Hist. Review, April, 1907, p. 584; Treacy, Old Catholic Maryland, Swedesboro, N. J., 1889; Hughes, Hist. of S. J. in N. America, 1907). The following year another priest and lay brother arrived. Fathers Philip Fisher (real name Thomas Copley) and John Knolles landed in 1637. In 1642, the Roman Congregation of the Propaganda, at Lord Baltimore’s request, sent to Maryland two secular priests, Fathers Gilmett and Territt. Two Franciscans arrived in 1673, one of whom was Father Massaeus Massey a Santa Barbara, a truly apostolic man. There were not more than six Franciscans at any time on the missions in Maryland. Their missions ceased with the death of Father Haddock in 1720. In 1716 two Scotch Recollects (Franciscans) came to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The title “Apostle of Maryland” belongs unquestionably to Father Andrew White, S.J., whose zeal was boundless. During Ingle’s Rebellion (1645-47) Fathers White and Fisher were taken in chains to England where the former died. Father Fisher returned to Maryland in 1648, dying in 1653, leaving the Rev. Lawrence Starkey alone on the mission. Fourteen years after the first, colony landed nearly all the natives south of what is now Washington had embraced the Faith, living in peaceful happy intercourse with the settlers. Father White said Mass and baptized the princess of the tribe in his wigwam on the Port Tobacco River. A chapel farther down the stream replaced the wigwam which was in turn succeeded by St. Thomas’s Manor church built in 1798 by the Rev. Charles Sewell, S.J. Such was the glorious result of the wisdom and zeal of the first Jesuit missionaries of Maryland (B. U. Campbell, in U.S. Cath. Hist. Magazine, Baltimore; Calvert Papers, Maryland Hist. Society, 1889-94; Treacy, op. cit.; The Catholic Cabinet, St. Louis, 1843-45; The Religious Cabinet, Baltimore, 1842).
In accordance with Lord Baltimore’s instructions, a church was built in the early days at St. Mary’s, the capital of the province. William Bretton and his wife, Temperance, in 1661 deeded the ground for the chapel of St. Ignatius and the cemetery at Newtown. Newtown Manor was afterwards purchased by the Jesuits. In 1677 a Catholic college was opened by Father Foster, S.J., and Mr. Thomas Hothersall, a scholastic. In 1697 we find a brick chapel at St. Mary’s; frame chapels at St. Inigoes, Newtown, Port Tobacco, Newport, Father Hobart’s chapel (Franciscan) near Newport; one on the Boarman estate, and one at Doncaster in Talbot County. During this period (1634-1700) there were about thirty-five Jesuits in the missions of Maryland, all of whom with two or three exceptions were English. They were men of apostolic zeal and disinterestedness. The mission at Bohemia, in Cecil County was founded by Father Mansell (1706), the priests of this mission carrying the Faith into Delaware. St. Inigoes house was established in 1708 and later a chapel was added. Hickory Mission, from which Baltimore was afterwards attended, was established in 1720, and St. Joseph‘s Chapel, Deer Creek (the Rev. John Digges, Jr.), in 1742. We find the Rev. Benedict Neale at Priest‘s Ford, Harford County, in 1747. St. Ignatius’s Church, Hickory, was established (1792) by the Rev. Sylvester Boarman. About 1755, 900 Catholic Acadian refugees settled in Maryland, but the Catholics were forbidden to give them hospitality. Many of them lost the Faith, but some of their descendants still preserve the Faith for which their fathers suffered. An unfinished house in Baltimore (northwest corner of Calvert and Fayette Streets) was used by them as a chapel. A Catholic school was established in Baltimore (1757) by Mary Ann March, but was closed on account of the violent persecution of Protestant clergymen. The historic Whitemarsh mission was founded in 1760 by the Rev. John Lewis. Frederick Chapel (St. John’s) was built by Father Williams, S.J.; the church was built in 1800 by the Rev. John Dubois, at that time the only priest between Baltimore and St. Louis. The present church was consecrated in 1837. In 1903 the Jesuits gave up the church and novitiate. The Jesuit novitiate was opened at Georgetown, D.C., 1806. During the War of 1812, it was at St. Inigoes and Frederick for a few years, then returned to Georgetown, was removed to Whitemarsh about 1820, and to Frederick in 1833, whence in 1903 it was finally removed to St. Andrews-on-the-Hudson, near Poughkeepsie, New York.
In 1669, the Catholic population numbered 2,000; in 1708 it was 2,979 in a population of 40,000; in 1755 about 7,000. In 1766, the following missions were attended by Jesuits: St. Inigoes, Newtown, Port Tobacco, Whitemarsh, Deer Creek, Fredericktown, Queenstown, Bohemia, and Baltimore. The twenty Jesuits on the Maryland mission at the time of their order’s suppression (1773) remained at their posts. The first priest born in Maryland was the Rev. Robert Brooks (1663). His four brothers also became priests. Conspicuous for unselfish zeal at this period was Rev. William Hunter; whilst for over forty years Father George Thorold labored in Maryland (1700-42). The clergy was, in general, self-supporting. (Treaty, op. cit.; Extracts from Letters of Missionaries, Baltimore, 1877; Shea, Life and Times of Archbishop Carroll, New York, 1888.)
(c) The Catholic Colonists.—The Catholic population, mostly rural, was generous to the Church and hospitable to the priests. We find many deeds and bequests for ecclesiastical purposes in the early records. Enduring one hundred years of persecution from the Protestants to whom they had offered asylum, proscribed, disfranchised, offered peace and emolument in exchange for apostasy, the Catholics generally continued faithful, and it is inspiring to read the list of Catholic names that survived the dark days, and that are still in evidence on the Catholic roll of honor—Brent, Lee, Fenwick, Boarman, Sewell, Lowe, Gardiner, Carroll, Neale, Jenkins, Digges, Bowling, Edelin, Matthews, Lancaster, Stonestreet, Boone, Mattingly, Brooks, Hunter, Coombes, Spalding, Semmes, Dyer, Jamison, Queen, Hill, Gwynn, Wheeler, Elder, McAtee, Pye, Miles, Abell, Camalier, Smith, Plowden, Freeman, Maddox, Greenwell, Floyd, Drury, Mudd, Hamilton, Clark, Payne, Brock, Walton, Doyne, Darnall. During the American Revolution, Catholics, with very rare exceptions, sided with the patriots; Maryland‘s best Catholic names are to be found on the rolls of the Continental army, both as officers and privates. The most prominent and influential citizen of Maryland during this epoch was Charles Carroll of Carrollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. At this time only Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Delaware had removed the disabilities against Catholics. The National Convention (Philadelphia, 1787) granted religious liberty to all. (McSherry, Hist. of Maryland, Baltimore, 1882; Scharf, Hist. of Maryland, Baltimore, 1879.)
II. AMERICAN PERIOD.—Such were the conditions in Maryland when the first bishop was appointed. Speaking of this period in 1790 Bishop Carroll said “it is surprising that there remained even so much as there was of true religion. In general Catholics were regular and unoffensive in their conduct, such, I mean, as were natives of the country”—but he complains bitterly of the injury to the Faith caused by those Catholics who came to the colony about this time (Shea, Life of Archbishop Carroll, 49). In fact the Church began to recover from this scandal only forty years after. Catholic Americans were subject spiritually to English Catholic superiors (the arch-priests), until September 6, 1665, when Innocent XI appointed Dr. John Leyburn, Vicar-Apostolic of all England. The British Colonies in America remained under the jurisdiction of Dr. Leyburn and his successors, Bishops Gifford, Petre, Challoner, and Talbot, until the appointment of Dr. Carroll. After the Revolution it was plain that the United States could not conveniently remain subject in spirituals to a superior in England. A meeting was called at Whitemarsh (June 27, 1783) by the Rev. John Lewis, Vicar-General of the Vicar Apostolic of London. This meeting was attended by the Revs. John Carroll, John Ashton, Charles Sewell, Bernard Diderick, Sylvester Boarman, and Leonard Neale. It resulted in a petition asking for the appointment of the Rev. John Lewis as Superior, with quasi-episcopal faculties. At this time the French Minister to the United States schemed to make the missions of the United States subject to France. Benjamin Franklin, United States representative to France, ignorant of the true state of affairs, at first supported this intrigue. Congress, however, informed Franklin that the project was one “without the jurisdiction and power of Congress, who have no authority to permit or refuse it”. The American priests then presented a memorial to Pius VI. As a result the appointment of the Rev. John Carroll as Superior of the missions of the United States, with power to administer confirmation, was ratified (June 9, 1784). He received the decree appointing him Prefect Apostolic November 26, 1784. At this time, there were, according to Dr. Carroll, 15,800 Catholics in Maryland (of whom 3,000 were negroes); 7,000 Catholics in Pennsylvania; 200 in Virginia; 1,500 in New York. In 1782 the total population of Maryland was 254,000. There were nineteen priests in Maryland and five in Pennsylvania. Dr. Carroll made his first visitation in Maryland in 1785, and administered confirmation. About this time he took up his residence in Baltimore, where the Rev. Charles Sewell was pastor. In 1788, the clergy petitioned Pius VI for the appointment of a bishop. Their request was granted. They were permitted to determine whether the bishop should be merely titular, or should have a see in the United States—and to choose the place for, as well as to elect the occupant of the see.
Election of Bishop Carroll.—Twenty-f our priests assembled at Whitemarsh. Twenty-three voted for Dr. Carroll, who was, accordingly, appointed first Bishop of Baltimore, subject to the Roman Congregation of the Propaganda. Dr. Carroll was consecrated in the chapel of Lulworth Castle, England, August 15, 1790, the consecrator being the Right Rev. Charles Walmesley, Senior Vicar Apostolic of England. Before leaving England, Dr. Carroll arranged with the Sulpician Fathers to establish an ecclesiastical seminary in Baltimore at their own expense. Accordingly, the superior, the Rev. Francis Nagot with three priests and five seminarians arrived at Baltimore in July, 1791. The “One Mile Tavern” and four acres of land were purchased and on July 18, St. Mary’s Seminary was opened.
(a) Progress of Catholicism.—The next year the Revs. J. B. David and B. J. Flaget, afterwards Bishops of Bardstown (Louisville), Kentucky, with Mr. Stephen Badiri who was the first priest ordained in Baltimore (1793), arrived. In 1787, the Rev. Joseph Mosley died leaving about 600 communicants on the Eastern Shore, where he had labored twenty-two years. At this time there was only one other priest stationed there. The next year the veteran John Lewis died, being the last of the Superiors of the original Maryland missions. In 1789 Georgetown College was founded. A frame church was erected at Westminster (1789), succeeded by Christ Church (1805), under the Rev. Joseph Zucchi. In 1791 the Diocese of Baltimore included all the territory east of the Mississippi, except Florida; in this vast territory there were churches at Baltimore, New York (1785), Boston (1788), Charleston (1788); in Maryland at St. Inigoes, Newtown, Newport, Port Tobacco, Rock Creek, Annapolis, Whitemarsh, Bohemia, Tuckahoe, Deer Creek, Frederick, Westminster; in Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, Lancaster, Conewago, Goshenhoppen; in Delaware, at Coffee Run, also at Vincennes, Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Prairie du Rocher. In 1790, a Carmelite community was established at Port Tobacco under Mother Frances Dickinson. The nuns remained there until 1831, when twenty-four sisters under Mother Angela Mudd removed to Baltimore. In 1791, the first diocesan synod in the United States was opened at the bishop’s house in Baltimore. Twenty-two priests and the bishop were present. At this synod the offertory collections were inaugurated. Between 1791 and 1798 seventeen French priests arrived, some of whom became famous in the history of the United States—the Revs. John Dubois (1791), Benedict Flaget, J. B. David, Ambrose Marechal (1792), William DuBourg, and John Moranville (1794), and John Lefevre Cheverus (1796). Until this time the burden of the missions of Maryland had been borne by the Jesuits. From 1700 to 1805 about ninety Jesuits had labored on the mission, of whom about sixty were English, sixteen Americans, and the rest German, Irish, Welsh, Belgian, and French. They were apostolic men who devoted their lives without earthly reward to the service of others.
In 1792, Catholics in the eastern section of Baltimore, finding it inconvenient to attend the pro-cathedral, asked for a priest and rented a room in the third story of a house, corner of Fleet and Bond Streets, where the first Mass was said by Bishop Carroll. This congregation numbered about twelve persons. The Rev. Antoine Garnier, from St. Mary’s Seminary, visited them twice weekly until December 17, 1795, when the Rev. John Floyd took charge. The first church was erected on Apple Alley near Wilks Street. Father Floyd dying in 1797, Father Garnier was again made pastor until 1803, when the Rev. Michael Coddy succeeded him. Dying within the year, his place was taken by the Rev. John Moranville, through whose zeal the cornerstone of St. Patrick’s Church (Broadway and Bank Streets) was laid July 10, 1804. It was dedicated November 29, 1807, being then the most imposing church in the diocese. Father Moranville died in 1824, and was succeeded by the Rev. Nicholas Kearney (d. 1840), the Rev. John Dolan (d. 1870), and the Rev. John T. Gaitley (d. 1892). In 1898 the old church was replaced by the present hand-some Gothic edifice. St. Patrick’s School, begun by Father Moranville, preceded all public schools in Baltimore. The earliest German Catholic congregation was established February 17, 1702, assembling for the first time for Divine service in a house near center Market. About 1800 Father Reuter, a priest in charge of the German Catholics, fomented a schism amongst them. They built a church where St. Alphonsus’s now stands, called it St. John the Evangelist‘s, and defied the bishop, who carried the case to the courts, which decided in his favor (1805). Archbishop Eccleston confided the church to the Redemptorists in 1840. The cornerstone of the new church was laid in 1841, the name being changed to St. Alphonsus’s. This church is distinguished for two pastors whose repute for sanctity entitles them to special mention, the Venerable John N. Neumann (Bishop of Philadelphia, 1852-60), the process of whose beatification is still pending in Rome (Berger, Life of Right Rev. John N. Neumann, D.D., New York, 1884); and the Rev. Francis X. Seelos who died in 1867, the first steps towards whose canonization were taken in 1901 (Zimmer, Life of Rev. F. X. Seelos, New York, 1887). St. Joseph‘s, Emmitsburg, was founded in 1793, by the Rev. Matthew Ryan. The Revs. John Dubois and Simon Brute were afterwards pastors of this church. The first baptismal record of St. Mary’s Church, Bryantown, was entered in 1793. Father David, the first pastor, was transferred to Georgetown in 1804. In 1794, the first church was built in Hagerstown, attended by the Rev. D. Cahill. About 1795, a log church (St. Mary’s) was built at Cumberland; a brick church was substituted in 1838. It was replaced by the present church (St. Patrick’s) begun in 1849 by the Rev. O. L. Obermeyer, and consecrated in 1883. St. Joseph‘s, Taneytown, was built by Mr. Brookes (1796). Its first pastor was the well-known Russian nobleman and convert, Father Demetrius A. Gallitzin.
It was soon seen that a coadjutor for the diocese was desirable in case of the bishop’s death, and the Rev. Lawrence Grssel, a German priest of Philadelphia, was appointed to that office. This zealous priest dying soon after, the Rev. Leonard Neale, a native of Maryland, was selected, and was consecrated December 7, 1800, at the Baltimore pro-cathedral. A notable event at this time was the marriage of Jerome Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, to Miss Patterson of Baltimore, Bishop Carroll officiating (December 24, 1803).
(b) Educational Institutions.—As already stated Georgetown College was opened by the Jesuit Fathers in 1791. (Centennial Hist. of Georgetown College, Washington, 1891.) In 1803 the faculty of St. Mary’s Seminary instituted an undenominational college course which continued until 1852, when Loyola College was opened. During this period it numbered among its students many who afterwards became prominent; among others Robert Walsh, A. B. Roman, the Latrobes, the Carrolls, the Jenkins, the Foleys, S. Eccleston, J. Chanche, F. E. Chatard, C. I. White, S. T. Wallis, Robert McLane, C. C. Biddle, Reverdy Johnson, Oden Bowie, Leo Knott, Christopher Johnson. At one time (1839-40) it had 207 students. In the meantime an attempt was made to separate the college from the seminary, and in 1807 Father Nagot established a college at Pigeon Hills, Pennsylvania, but in 1808, the sixteen students were transferred to a new institution begun at Emmitsburg by the Rev. John Dubois, a Sulpician. Such was the beginning of Mt. St. Mary’s College. It gave to the Church one cardinal (McCloskey), five archbishops, twenty-one bishops, and five hundred priests. To carry out a design long entertained by the Sulpicians, St. Charles College, a petit seminaire, was begun and built on land donated by Charles Carroll of Carrollton. The cornerstone was laid in 1831, but owing to the lack of funds the college was not opened until 1848. The Rev. O. L. Jenkins was its first president, with one instructor and four students, but at his death (1869) there were thirteen instructors, 140 students, and one hundred priests among its alumni. Since 1853, St. Mary’s Seminary has been exclusively a grand seminaire, with philosophy and theology courses. The memories of the devoted priests who during more than a century have composed its faculties, men of great learning and deep piety, are cherished with loving reverence by the numerous clergy they have taught. The alumni roll of St. Mary’s contains the names of one cardinal, 30 bishops, 1,400 priests (Centennial History of St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, 1891). The Society of Jesus was reestablished in Maryland (1805) with the Rev. Robert Molyneux as superior.
In 1808, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Seton, a convert from Episcopalianism, went from New York to Baltimore and lived with some companions next to St. Mary’s Seminary. A convert, the Rev. Samuel S. Cooper, having given Mrs. Seton and her nine companions a lot at Emmitsburg, they founded there (1810) the Academy of St. Joseph. In 1812, the community was established under the rules of the Sisters of Charity and Mrs. Seton was elected mother superior. She died in 1821, leaving a flourishing community of fifty sisters (White, “Life of Eliza A. Seton”, New York, 1853; Seton, “Memoir Letters and Journal of Elizabeth Seton”, New York, 1869; De Barbarry, “Elizabeth Seton”, 2 vols., Paris, 1881; Sadlier, New York, s. d.). The community remained independent until 1850, when the sisters allied themselves with the Sisters of Charity of France, adopting the French costume. Thirty-one sisters in the Diocese of New York preferred to continue under the old rule and organized a separate body. During the Civil War (1862-63), 140 Sisters of Charity gave their services on the field and in the hospitals. The following notable institutions have been founded in the diocese from the mother house at Emmitsburg: St. Mary’s Orphan Asylum (1817); Mt. Hope Retreat (1840); St. Vincent’s Infant Asylum (1856); St. Joseph‘s House of Industry (1863); St. Agnes’s Hospital (1863).
(c) The Baltimore Cathedral.—The acquisition of Louisiana by the United States increased the labors of Bishop Carroll. In 1805, the Holy See made him Administrator Apostolic of Louisiana and the Floridas. Until this time the bishop had officiated in St. Peter’s Church, built about 1770, at the corner of Northeast and Forrest Streets. The Rev. Bernard Diderick, a Belgian priest, attended the church monthly from 1775-82. The Rev. Charles Sewell of St. Mary’s County was the first resident pastor. Persuaded by Dr. DuBourg, the bishop and trustees decided (1806) to erect the new cathedral on the present site. The cornerstone was laid July 7, 1806, by Bishop Carroll. The first rector of the cathedral was the Rev. Francis Beeston. He died (1809) before the church was finished. His successor was the Rev. Enoch Fenwick (d. 1827), to whose untiring zeal was due the completion of the church in 1821. During the building of the church the congregation had grown so large that the Sulpicians opened to the public the chapel of St. Mary’s Seminary, then newly dedicated (1808). For half a century it continued to be the succursal church of the cathedral. On May 31, 1821, the cathedral was dedicated by Archbishop Marechal. The architect who had generously given his services gratis, and faithfully watched over the erection of the edifice was Benjamin H. Latrobe, a Protestant gentleman, and a devoted friend of Archbishop Carroll. He was engaged at the same time in building the National Capitol. The high altar of the cathedral was a gift to Archbishop Marechal from his pupils in Marseilles. The imposing portico of the building was added in 1863, under the direction of the architect, Eben Faxon. The cathedral was consecrated May 25, 1876, by Archbishop Bayley. During Cardinal Gibbons’s administration a commodious sacristy was erected (1879); the sanctuary was extended (1888); two altars, gifts of Mrs. Michael Jenkins and James Sloan, were added, and the altar rail in memory of William Boggs donated (1906). There are few edifices in the United States as rich in historical memories as the Baltimore Cathedral. Within its walls have been held three plenary councils (1852, 1866, 1884), ten provincial councils, and nine diocesan synods; three cardinals have been invested, Gibbons, 1886; Satolli, 1890; Martinelli, 1901; six archbishops have received the pallium, twenty-five bishops have been consecrated, and 644 priests have been ordained by Cardinal Gibbons alone. The bishops consecrated in the cathedral were: B. J. Fenwick (1825), Dubois (1826), Whitfield (1828), Purcell (1833), Eccleston (1834), Chanche (1841), Whelan (1841), Tyler (1844), Elder (1857), Barry (1857), Verot (1858), Becker (1868), Gibbons (1868), Thomas Foley (1870), Gross (1873), Northrop (1882), Glorieux (1885), Curtis (1886), Haid (1888), John Foley (1888), Chapelle (1891), Donahue (1894), Allen (1897), Granjon (1900), Conaty (1901). In the chapel built by Cardinal Gibbons under the high altar repose the ashes of Carroll, Marechal, Whitfield, Eccleston, Kenrick, and Spalding. Besides those already mentioned many distinguished clergymen have been associated with the cathedral; Revs. Roger Smith, Charles C. Pise, Charles I. White, first editor of “The Catholic Mirror”, John Hickey, S.S., H.B. Coskery, Thomas Becker, Thomas Foley, Thomas S. Lee, A. A. Curtis, P. J. Donahue, and C. F. Thomas. The cathedral parish has always counted among its members a great number of distinguished persons. Among its pewholders have been Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Chief Justice Taney, David Williamson, Luke Tiernan, Thomas Sim Lee, Thomas C. Jenkins, E. Austin Jenkins, Alfred Jenkins, William George Read, John Hillen, Patrick Bennett, Basil Elder, John Walsh, Solomon Hillen, John and Richard Caton, Dr. Peter Chatard, Abraham White, Jerome Bonaparte, Courtney Jenkins, Mark Jenkins, Basil Spalding, Judge Parkin Scott, Philip Laurenson, M. Benzinger, Charles M. Dougherty, Col. J. N. Bonaparte, William Kennedy, Robert Barry, Columbus O’Donnell, John Murphy. In recent times and at present we find the Attorney-General of the United States, Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, Michael Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins, Dr. Felix Jenkins, George Jenkins, the Misses Jenkins, Mr. and the Misses Andrews, the Misses Gardner, William Boggs, Daniel Foley, Mrs. and the Misses Mactavish, W. R. Cromwell, Mrs. John S. Gittings, Major N. S. Hill, Richard and Allen MacSherry, Charles G. Nicholson, Miss Emily Harper, C. D. Kenny, A. Leo Knott, J. M. Littig, the Drs. Milholland, Robert Rennert, Robert Jenkins, Henry Bogue, the Messrs. Abell, the Misses Abell, Mrs. Alice Caughy, Messrs. Shriver, Joseph Turner, Mrs. Van Bibber, Owen Daly, Alexander Yearley, Harry Benzinger, James R. Wheeler, Charles Tiernan, Judge Charles Heuisler, Drs. Chatard, Drs. O’Donovan, Dr. Charles Grindall, Messrs. and the Misses Boone, Edgar Gans, Captain Billups, Messrs. Key, F. Dammann, Mrs. J. I. Griffiss and Victor Baughman. Indeed the roll-call of the cathedral parishioners contains the names of the most distinguished Catholics of their times. It is worthy of remark that although the trustee system has been continued at the cathedral for over one hundred years, there has never been any serious disagreement between the clergy and laity. The archiepiscopal residence was built during Dr. Whitfield’s administration, and the two wings were added in 1865 by Captain William Kennedy.
(d) Division of the Diocese.—In compliance with Bishop Carroll’s request for a division of his diocese, Pius VII (April 8, 1808) issued the Bulls creating four new sees, naming the Rev. Richard L. Concannen, a Dominican for New York; the Rev. Michael Egan, a Franciscan for Philadelphia; the Rev. John Cheverus for Boston, and the Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, Sulpician, for Bardstown. At the same time Baltimore was made the metropolitan see with Dr. Carroll as the first archbishop. Dr. Concannen, consecrated in Rome (1808), died at Naples (1810) when about to sail. Dr. Egan and Dr. Cheverus were consecrated at Baltimore in the pro-cathedral (1810) and Dr. Flaget at St. Patrick’s the same year. The pallium was conferred on Archbishop Carroll in St. Peter’s, Baltimore, August 18, 1811. At this time there were in the United States about seventy priests and eighty churches. Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, the Carolinas, what is now Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida were still under the jurisdiction of Baltimore, and in 1811 the Holy See added some of the Danish and Dutch West Indies. At this period occurred the interference of Archbishop Troy and other Irish bishops in American affairs (Shea, Life and Times of Abp. Carroll, pp. 664-668). Dr. Carroll’s protest at Rome was rendered ineffectual, owing to the representations of the Dominican Fathers Harold, who had hastened the death of Bishop Egan of Philadelphia, and afterwards, in Europe, enlisted against the Archbishop the support of the Irish prelates. Worn out with the struggle, he died December 3, 1815.
III. SUCCESSORS OF ARCHBISHOP CARROLL.—(a) Leonard Neale.—Archbishop Carroll was succeeded by Leonard Neale, a native of Maryland. The Poor Clares (Mother Mary de la Marche and two others) had already opened an academy in 1801 at Georgetown, with Miss Alice Lalor as assistant teacher. These nuns returned to Europe after the death of the abbess; Miss Lalor continued the academy. Archbishop Neale erected the community of teachers into a house of the Order of the Visitation December 28, 1817. Archbishop Neale died June 17, at Georgetown, and was buried in the convent chapel.
Ambrose Marechal.—Archbishop Marechal was born in France, and joined the Company of St. Sulpice. He had already refused the See of Philadelphia (1816), but finally consented to become Archbishop Neale’s coadjutor. He was consecrated at St. Peter’s, Baltimore, December 14, 1817, by Bishop Cheverus. In his first visitation he confirmed 2,506 persons. In his diocese, which comprised Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, and the territory west of Georgia to the Mississippi, there were then, according to his estimate, 100,000 Catholics. About 10,000 were in Baltimore, having increased to that figure from 800 in 1792. In one year there were 10,000 communions in the seminary chapel alone. There were fifty-two priests, principally French and American born. The Diocese of Baltimore at this time (1819) mourned the loss of Thomas Sim Lee, twice governor, and Maryland‘s representative in the Convention which ratified the Constitution. In 1820, two schismatic priests, aided by intriguing Irish prelates, succeeded in having Patrick Kelly secretly appointed to the See of Richmond and John England to that of Charleston. Thus, without the archbishop’s knowledge or consent, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Charleston were given for bishops utter strangers, bound by oath of allegiance to England, then at variance with the United States. The Diocese of Baltimore was thus divided into two parts, Maryland and the District of Columbia on the Atlantic, and a thousand miles off Alabama and Mississippi, with Richmond and Charleston between. Archbishop Marechal, while at Rome, (1821) obtained for the provincial bishops the right to recommend candidates for vacant sees. Mississippi was erected into a Vicariate Apostolic with Dr. Du-Bourg as Vicar Apostolic; Alabama and Florida were attached to the Vicariate Apostolic of Mobile (1825). In 1822, Bishop Kelly returned to Ireland, and Archbishop Marechal was appointed Administrator of the Diocese of Richmond. The archbishop died January 29, 1828.
James Whitfield.—He was succeeded by James Whitfield, an Englishman by birth. His consecration by Bishop Flaget took place May 25, 1828, in the cathedral. October 4, 1829, the First Provincial Council of Baltimore was opened, and the same day the archbishop received the pallium. The Fathers of this council were Archbishop Whitfield, Bishops Flaget, the two Fenwicks (Boston and Cincinnati), England, Rosati, and Rev. William Matthews, representing Philadelphia. (See Provincial Councils of Baltimore.) To carry out the council’s decrees, a synod, attended by thirty-five priests, was held October 31, 1831. There were at this time in Maryland about 80,000 Catholics in a population of 407,000; in the District of Columbia about 7,000 in a population of 33,000. There were fifty-two priests in the diocese. Out of his private fortune, Archbishop Whitfield built St. James’s Church, Baltimore (1833). It was first used by English-speaking Catholics, who, finding it too small for their increasing numbers, commenced the erection of St. Vincent’s Church (1841). About the same time the German congregation of St. John’s (Saratoga Street) began the building of their new church, St. Alphonsus; needing in the meantime a place for worship, they were granted the use of St. James’s, after the opening of St. Vincent’s (of which Father Gildea was the first pastor). The Redemptorists from St. Alphonsus took charge henceforth of St. James’s and built there the first convent of their order in the United States. Several other churches were established by the Redemptorists. In 1845, they founded St. Michael’s, a small church on the corner of Pratt and Regester Streets; the present church on the corner of Lombard and Wolfe Streets was commenced in 1857. Its congregation is now one of the largest in the city. The Redemptorists also founded Holy Cross parish, the cornerstone of the church being laid in 1858. Since 1869, the secular clergy have been in charge. The church of the Fourteen Holy Martyrs was begun (1870) by the Redemptorists; in 1874, they transferred it to the Benedictines. Rev. Meinrad Jeggle, O.S.B., was rector from 1878 to 1896. The new church was commenced in 1902. St. Wenceslaus’s, dedicated in 1872, formed the nucleus of the Slav congregations in Baltimore. The Redemptorists took charge of it in 1882. A new church and school were commenced in 1903. In 1873 they began the Sacred Heart Church (Canton). The Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus was formally established in 1833, with Father William McSherry, a Virginian, as first provincial. The Second Provincial Council met at the cathedral, Baltimore, October 20, 1833. Besides Archbishop Whitfield, there were present Bishops David, England, Rosati, Fenwick (Boston), Dubois, Portier, F. P. Kenrick, Rese, Purcell. Bishop Flaget was absent; the Jesuits, Sulpicians, and Dominicans were represented. A Roman Ritual adapted to the wants of this country was ordered to be prepared. Rev. Samuel Eccleston elected coadjutor, was consecrated in the cathedral September 14, 1834, by Archbishop Whitfield, who died the following October.
Samuel Eccleston.—Archbishop Eccleston, a native of Maryland, a convert and a Sulpician, was thirty-three years old when he succeeded to the See of Baltimore. During his administration the anti-Catholic sentiment began to lose its violence and the tide of conversions set in. In 1834 there were within the jurisdiction of Baltimore (Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia) 70 churches and 69 priests. There were only 327 priests in the whole United States. The Visitation Nuns from Georgetown established a house in Baltimore (1837) with Mother Juliana Matthews as first superioress. Mother Anastasia Coombes established another Visitation monastery at Frederick in 1846. In 1852 another house was established (Mt. de Sales) at Catonsville, under Mother Cecilia Brooks.
The Third Provincial Council was held in the cathedral, 1837. It was attended by the archbishop, and Bishops Rosati, Fenwick (Boston), F. P. Kenrick, Purcell, Chabrat, Clancy, Brute, Blanc. Bishop Dubois declined to assist. The Fourth Provincial Council was opened at the cathedral, May 16, 1840. Ten bishops accepted the invitation of Archbishop Eccleston to attend the council, Flaget, Rosati, Fenwick (Boston), Portier, F. P. Kenrick, Purcell, Blanc, Loras, Miles, De la Hailandiere. The Sulpicians, Dominicans, and Redemptorists were also represented. Rev. Richard Whelan and Rev. John Chanche were recommended by this council, respectively for the Dioceses of Richmond and Natchez, thus freeing the archbishop from the administration of Richmond. The St. Vincent de Paul Society was established in the diocese (1840) and the Young Catholic Friends’ Society in 1848. In 1842, the cornerstone of Calvert Hall was laid on the site of the pro-cathedral (Saratoga Street). The present imposing building was opened 1891. Rock Hill Academy was purchased by the Christian Brothers (1857) and Rock Hill College incorporated 1865.
The Fifth Provincial Council was held in the cathedral, May, 1843. It was attended by seventeen bishops. At this time there were 90,000 Catholics, 58 churches, 70 priests, two seminaries, three colleges, two academies for boys, six for girls, five orphan asylums, and ten free schools. The total population of Maryland in 1840 was 469,232. The Sixth Provincial Council met at the cathedral, May 10, 1846. Twenty-three bishops were present and four religious orders were represented. “The Blessed Virgin Mary Conceived Without Sin” was chosen as patroness of the Province. Sisters of Notre Dame (mother-house of Eastern Province on Aisquith Street) came to Baltimore, August 5, 1847. “Notre Dame of Maryland” was established September 22, 1873. The Seventh Provincial Council met at the cathedral, May, 1849. Archbishop Eccleston, in pursuance of the council’s decision, issued a pastoral letter reviving the custom of Peter’s-pence, and inviting Pius IX, then in exile at Gaeta, to attend. The Archbishops of Baltimore and St. Louis and twenty-three bishops were present; seven religious orders were represented. This council recommended New Orleans, Cincinnati, and New York as metropolitan sees, also the creation of the Sees of Savannah, Wheeling, and St. Paul. The fathers petitioned for the definition of the Immaculate Conception. One of their decrees forbade priests officiating at marriages where a minister had officiated or intended to do so. The Province of Baltimore now comprised the Dioceses of Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Richmond, Wheeling, Charleston, and Savannah.
About this time Rev. John Hickey established a precedent by refusing to testify in court concerning stolen property restored through a penitent. The court sustained him. During Archbishop Eccleston’s time, besides those mentioned above, several other churches were erected. The cornerstone of St. Joseph‘s was laid in 1839. In 1849, it was given to the Jesuits, but returned to the diocesan clergy in 1860. The new church was begun in 1899. St. Peter’s, begun in 1843, was consecrated in 1879 under Rev. Edward McColgan, V.G., its first pastor. The Sisters of Mercy came to St. Peter’s from Pittsburg in 1855; Mother Catherine Wynne was first superioress. They afterwards opened Mt. St. Agnes (1867) of which Mother de Chantal Digges was first superioress; they also have charge of the City Hospital. St. Augustine’s (Elkridge) was founded 1845. Its first pastor was Rev. B. Piot; the present beautiful church is the dedicated gift of Mr. C. D. Kenny (1902). St. Charles Borromeo (Pikesville) was commenced July 16, 1848, by Father White. The present imposing Romanesque edifice was dedicated March 12, 1899. The Immaculate Conception parish was organized in 1850 with Rev. Mark Anthony, C. M., as its first pastor; the present church was dedicated in 1858, during the pastorate of Rev. Joseph Giustiniani, C.M. Archbishop Eccleston died at St. Georgetown, April 22, 1851, and was buried in Baltimore. At this time there were in the diocese (Maryland and District of Columbia) 83 churches and chapels; 103 priests; 6 ecclesiastical seminaries; 12 free schools, and 23 charitable institutions; Catholic population 100,000. Rev. H. B. Coskery was administrator until the following August, when Dr. Francis P. Kenrick, Coadjutor-Bishop of Philadelphia, was elevated to the See of Baltimore.
Francis Patrick Kenrick.—Archbishop Kenrick convoked the First Plenary Council of Baltimore, May 9, 1852. (See Plenary Councils of Baltimore.) To carry out the councils decrees a synod was called (June, 1853), attended by 35 diocesan and 17 regular priests. At this synod parochial rights and limits were defined. The Eighth Provincial Council met in the Baltimore Cathedral, May 5, 1855. Eight sees were represented. It regulated pew rents and collections, and established a rule for the cathedraticum. Col. B.U. Campbell, a Maryland Catholic, who by his contributions laid the foundation for the history of the Church in the United States, died about this time (1855). In 1856 the Catholics of the city of Baltimore numbered 81,000 and had 13 churches, while in the entire diocese (Maryland and the District of Columbia) there were 99 churches and chapels, 130 priests, and a population of 120,000. The Forty Hours Devotion was established in the diocese (1858). In 1858 the Ninth Provincial Council was held in the cathedral; 8 bishops were present and 6 religious orders were represented. At the Councils request the Holy See granted to the Archbishop of Baltimore the precedence in councils and meetings, held by the prelates of the United States, even though he were not senior archbishop. The petition of the Fathers of this Council for a perpetual dispensation from the Saturday abstinence was granted. In 1862, the Baltimore Province comprised Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Charleston, Savannah, Richmond, Wheeling, Erie, and the Vicariate Apostolic of Florida. In the Diocese of Baltimore there were 124 churches and chapels; 170 priests, 36 free school, 35 charitable institutions; Catholic population 150,000.
A synod was convened (1863) at which the version of the Bible revised by the archbishop was adopted as the one to be used in the diocese. Under Archbishop Kenrick, the following churches were built in Baltimore: St. Johns in 1853, with Rev. J.B. McManus as first pastor. The present church was opened in 1856. The church of St. Ignatius Loyola was consecrated August 15, 1856. Rev. John Early, S.J., was its first pastor and founder of Loyola College on Holliday Street (1852); in 1855 the present college was opened on Calvert Street (Hist. Sketch of Loyola College Baltimore, 1902). Many distinguished citizens claim it as their Alma Mater. St. Bridgets Church (Canton) was dedicated 1854 and was built by Rev. James Dolan out of his private means, as were also St. Marys, Govanstown, and the Dolan Orphans Home. Rev. John Constance was first pastor of St. Bridgets. New churches were begun in Kent County, Long Green, and Clarkesville during 1855. Archbishop Kenrick died July 6, 1863, and Very Rev. H.B. Coskery, a native of Maryland, again became administrator. He had been appointed Bishop of Portland in 1854, but had returned the Bulls.
Colored Catholics.—During his administration St. Francis Xaviers Church for negroes was dedicated (1864). Its first pastor was Father Michael O’Connor. It was put in charge of the Josephites (1871) from Mill Hill College, England, brought to Baltimore by Rev. Herbert Vaughan. These missionaries came to minister to the Catholic negroes of Maryland, there being—greatly to the honor of their Catholic masters—16,000 of them in the State at the time of the emancipation. From St. Francis sprung St. Monicas, St. Peter Clavers (1889), and St. Barnabass (1907), all churches for colored people. As early as 1828 the Sulpician Father Jacques Joubert founded at Baltimore a house of Colored Oblate Sisters of Providence. They conduct at present St. Francess Academy and Orphanage, and in Washington St. Cyprians Parochial School and Academy. St. Josephs Seminary was opened in Baltimore by the Josephites (1888) with three white and one colored student. Epiphany Apostolic College, its preparatory seminary, was opened in 1889 by Rev. Dominic Manley. In 1881 St. Elizabeth‘s Home for colored children was established in Baltimore by Mother Winifred and three English Sisters of St. Francis. Their convent on Maryland Avenue was opened in 1889, the house being a gift to the order from Mrs. E. Austin Jenkins.
Martin John Spalding.—At Archbishop Kenrick’s death the United States Government attempted to interfere in the selection of an archbishop, but failed (Cathedral Records, Baltimore, 1906, p. 46; Shea, Hist. of Cath. Ch. in U.S., 1844-66, New York, 1889-92, p. 393), and the Rt. Rev. Martin John Spalding, Bishop of Louisville, was elected May 23, 1864. Archbishop Spalding invited the Sisters of the Good Shepherd from Louisville (1864) to come to Baltimore, and established them in a home given by Mrs. Emily Mactavish. Their work is the reformation of fallen women and the preservation of young girls. At this time (1864) the Church lost one of its foremost members, Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States. The Tenth Provincial Council was opened in the cathedral, April 25, 1869; 14 prelates were present. The Second Plenary Council of Baltimore met October 7, 1866, in the cathedral. It recommended the establishment of the Apostolic Vicariate of North Carolina. St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys, erected on land donated by Mrs. Emily Mactavish, was opened in 1866, and placed in charge of the Xaverian Brothers from Belgium. Mt. St. Joseph‘s College, begun (1876) as an aid to the Xaverian Novitiate, has now 40 novices and 150 students. St. James’s Home (Baltimore) furthers the work of the Industrial School by securing positions for, and boarding, older boys. It has about 70 boarders. A somewhat unusual event took place August 16, 1868, when Revs. James Gibbons and Thomas Becker were consecrated together in the cathedral by Archbishop Spalding. Woodstock College, the seminary of the Jesuit Fathers, was opened in 1869; Father Angelo Barasci was its first rector. Since then many standard treatises on theology, philosophy, and science have been published by its professors, the best known being the works of Mazzella, De Augustinis, Sabetti, Maas, Piccirelli, and Sestini. In 1865 John T. Stephanini and Charles Long, Passionist Fathers, were appointed to St. Agnes’s Church, Catonsville. The Passionist monastery of St. Joseph was completed in 1868; Father Long was elected its first rector. It was destroyed by fire in 1883 and a new monastery was built in 1886. The Little Sisters of the Poor were established in Baltimore, April 6, 1869. Since then 3,082 old people have been cared for by them. Rev. Thomas Foley, who had been at the cathedral for twenty-two years, was consecrated Administrator of Chicago in 1870. Archbishop Spalding died February 7, 1872. During his administration the churches built in Baltimore were: St. Martin‘s (Fulton Avenue) cornerstone laid in 1865, Rev. John Foley, first pastor; St. Mary’s Star of the Sea founded in 1869, by Rev. Peter McCoy. The Sisters of St. Joseph came to this parish in 1875. After Archbishop Spalding’s death, Very Rev. John Dougherty administered the diocese until the installation of Archbishop Bayley (October, 1872).
James Roosevelt Bayley.—Archbishop Bayley had been an Episcopalian minister in New York, became a Catholic, a priest, and at the time of his elevation to Baltimore, was Bishop of Newark. Philadelphia was made a metropolitan see in 1875. The Province of Baltimore was thus limited to the Sees of Baltimore, Charleston, Richmond, Wheeling, Savannah, Wilmington, St. Augustine (created 1870), and the Vicariate of North Carolina. There were in the diocese in 1870, 160 churches and chapels; 230 priests; 18 charitable, and six educational, institutions. In one year the archbishop confirmed two hundred times, Of the 6,405 persons confirmed, 847 were converts. The Eighth Provincial Synod opened in Baltimore, August 27, 1875; 93 priests and representatives of 8 religious communities were present. St. Ann’s (York Road) built by Capt. William Kennedy and his wife, was dedicated in 1874, Rev. William E. Bartlett being its first pastor. The Capuchin Fathers established themselves in the diocese (1875) in the Monastery of St. Peter and Paul, Cumberland. In 1882, it was made the seminary of the order; 59 priests have been ordained there. Previous to this, the Redemptorist, Rev. John N. Neumann, had built the church of St. Peter and Paul on the site of Fort Cumberland (1848). In 1866, the Carmelites succeeded the Redemptorists and remained until 1875, when the Capuchin Fathers took charge. When the Redemptorists left Cumberland, they established (1867) their house of studies at Ilchester (Hist. of the Redemptorists at Annapolis, Ilchester, 1904). St. Catherine’s Normal Institute for training Catholic teachers was established in Baltimore (1875) by Sisters of the Holy Cross. They have schools also attached to the churches of St. Patrick and St. Pius. The latter church was begun by Archbishop Bayley, its erection being made possible by a generous donation of Mr. Columbus O’Donnell. It was dedicated in 1879, with Rev. L. S. Malloy first pastor. The Right Rev. James Gibbons, Bishop of Richmond, was made coadjutor with right of succession May 20. 1877. Archbishop Bayley died the following October.
James Gibbons.—Archbishop Gibbons is the only Archbishop of Baltimore born in that city. The Third Plenary Council met in the cathedral November 9, 1884—being the largest council held outside of Rome since the Council of Trent. The zuchetta was conferred upon Cardinal Gibbons June 7, 1886, and the following March he was invested in Rome and took possession of his titular church, Santa Maria in Trastevere. The Ninth Provincial Synod was convened in Baltimore September, 1886, 115 priests attending; 8 religious orders were represented. The Catholic University of America was instituted in 1887, and the Archbishop of Baltimore was named, ex officio, the Chancellor. (See Catholic University of America.) The centenary of the diocese was celebrated November, 1889. There were present Cardinals Gibbons and Taschereau; Msgr. Satolli, representative of the pope, 8 archbishops, 75 bishops, 18 monsignori, and 400 priests. Canada, Mexico, England, and Ireland were represented. On that occasion leading Catholic laymen took part in a Catholic Congress (Hughes, Proceedings of Catholic Congress, Detroit, 1890) and there was a procession of 30,000 men with Mr. James R. Wheeler as marshal. In 1893, the cardinal’s Silver Jubilee was celebrated. Nearly every see in the United States was represented; there were also present representatives of the Holy Father, and of the episcopate of England, Ireland, Canada, and Oceania. Bishop A. A. Curtis was consecrated in the cathedral November, 1886, and Bishop P. J. Donahue in 1894. April 29, 1906, the centenary of the laying of the cornerstone of the cathedral was celebrated. There were present the cardinal, the apostolic delegate, Most Rev. Diomede Falconio, 9 archbishops, 56 bishops, 4 abbots, and about 800 priests.
Among the late additions to the diocese are the Mission Helpers and the Sisters of Divine Providence. The Mission Helpers opened a house in Baltimore in 1890; it was canonically organized, November 5, 1906. The Sisters of Divine Providence (of Kentucky) were established in the diocese in 1892, having charge of the household interests of the Catholic University, St. Mary’s Seminary, and the cardinal’s residence. The churches built during Cardinal Gibbons’s administration, in addition to those already mentioned are: St. Andrew’s, dedicated October 6, 1878; St. Paul’s founded in 1899 (the present imposing church was erected in 1903); St. Gregory’s by means of a donation of Mr. Patrick McKenna (1884); St. Stanislaus’s (Polish), founded in 1880 and taken over in 1906 by the Franciscans; Corpus Christi, built through the munificence of the sons and daughters of Mr. Thomas C. Jenkins, in memory of their parents, and dedicated January 1, 1891; St. Leo’s (Italian), begun in 1880, by Rev. J. L. Andreis. During the administration of Cardinal Gibbons 86 new churches have been erected in the diocese. At present there are 211 priests of the diocese and 273 of religious entire orders. There are 128 churches with resident pastors and 136 chapels. In Baltimore there are 44 (24 built during the administration of Cardinal Gibbons) and 18 in Washington (10 built in the same period). There are three universities, 11 seminaries, 13 colleges and academies, 95 parochial schools with 21,711 pupils, and 7 industrial schools. The Catholic population is at present about 255,000. The increase (1906) was 10,611, of whom 800 were converts.
Owing to the disinterested spirit of its archbishops, the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the Mother Church of the United States, has been subdivided until, in extent of territory, it is one of the smallest. Yet it yields to none in its spirit of faith and in the generosity of its people. Whenever called upon by the voice of religion its children have responded in a manner beyond their proportionate share. In support of the Catholic University, it is surpassed by none in proportion to its population. In the gatherings of the prelates of the United States the Catholic homes of Baltimore have welcomed the visitors to their hospitality. Probably no diocese has been so enriched by private donations for churches and institutions. The growth of the Catholic population is due first to natural increase, secondly to immigration, and thirdly to conversion. The large proportion of conversions must be attributed in a great measure to the personal popularity of its present archbishop, Cardinal Gibbons, and to the influence of his convert-making book, “The Faith of Our Fathers”.