Victor R. Claveau, MJ, is President and CEO of the Pope John Paul II Society of Evangelists and School of Evangelization, Inc., a member of Miles Jesu, (Soldiers of Jesus), and the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars.
He is the author/editor of Welcome Home, published by Ignatius Press and the author of The Seven Percent Solution: A Guide to Evangelization at the Parish, Community or Diocesean Level.
His articles have appeared in This Rock, Christian Order, Columbia, Miles Jesu, and Lay Witness magazines.
More by Victor Claveau
Evangelizing Jamaica 07/01/2002
You Can't Be Right, You Can't Be Right 02/01/2000
Infiltrators 06/01/1994
Book Store Tribulations 05/01/1992
Breaking into Apologetics 07/01/1990
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