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Barradas, SEBASTIAO, a Portuguese exegete and preacher, b. at Lisbon in 1543; d. at Coimbra in 1615. In 1558 he entered the Society of Jesus. He was professor of Scripture for many years at Coimbra and Evora and preached with such zeal that he was styled the Apostle of Portugal. He published two works: (I) “Commentaria in concordiam et historiam evangelicam” (4 vols., Coimbra, 1599-1611). This work, which is a treasure house for preachers on the Gospels, was frequently reprinted in Germany, Italy, and France. The last edition was printed at Augsburg, 1642. (2) “Itinerarium filiorum Israel ex Aegypto in terram repromissionis” (Lyons, 1620). It is a useful commentary on the Book of Exodus.
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