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Divorce and the Eucharist

Audio only:

Questions Covered:

  • 22:27 - A relative of mine just had his spouse leave him out of nowhere. How should we guide him towards hopeful reconciliation? 
  • 30:31 - If a couple is living in a sinful divorce, goes to confession, but then goes right back to that same lifestyle, do they have to confess again before receiving communion and keep doing that over and over? 
  • 33:58 - If your spouse had a previous marriage that was never annulled, and then they go through the annulment process, do you now need to get your marriage convalidated? 
  • 35:44 - My brother married outside the Church and got a divorce. Now he’s dating a Catholic, cohabitating with her, and receiving the Eucharist. Should I say anything? 
  • 42:01 - I was civilly married, then we had our marriage convalidated in the Church. My husband was a non-Christian. Now during our divorce he’s saying he never intended to become Catholic or raise our children Catholic. Is this grounds for annulment? 
  • 45:43 - If someone’s spouse dies, does she still need to get an annulment before marrying someone else? 
  • 49:12 - I’ve had two priests say it’s okay for me to date before I’ve had an annulment. Are they correct? 
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