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Has the Church Historically Committed Errors?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 03:40 - I recently went to confession and the priest mumbled and possibly skipped some of the words of absolution. Would this make the confession invalid?
  • 07:00 - What is the origin of Satan?
  • 18:36 - Rev. 11 you refer to the Ark being Mary in your book. But in Rev 12 it introduces Mary. Isn’t that a bit redundant of the ark is Mary?
  • 23:33 - How can the Church say its teaching has never erred when the Council of Constance 2 said that it was forbidden to receive communion in both species?
  • 36:45 - Where is the Trinity in the Mass?
  • 40:32 - If you go to Mass and are in a state of grace but willingly choose not to receive the Eucharist, is that a sin?
  • 44:16 - What would be a good way to start a conversation with non-Catholics to evangelize?
  • 49:49 - Why do you need a gluten free host if it becomes the body and blood of Christ?
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