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About Catholic Answers Live Radio Show

“Catholic Answers LIVE” is a daily, call-in radio program that airs live Monday through Friday from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Eastern Time (3 P.M. to 5 P.M. Pacific), on over 100 AM and FM stations across America, on Sirius satellite radio, as well as around the world on EWTN Global Catholic Radio (shortwave) and on the Internet. According to listener surveys, it has become a runaway favorite program on the stations that carry it.


Patrick Coffin Patrick Coffin, the host of the show, has been speaking and writing about the Catholic faith for over 15 years. A native Nova Scotian, he has been a stage actor, a teacher of theology (he holds a master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville), a professional journalist and an executive recruiter. Each day, Monday to Friday, Patrick speaks with the most prominent men and women in the Catholic Church today to discuss the things that really matter in life. Patrick takes your phone calls live on the broadcast, allowing you to speak with these outstanding guests.


Regular guests include Karl Keating, the founder and senior fellow of Catholic Answers. Karl answers your questions on our Q & A Open Forum (which airs every Tuesday and Thursday), along with Tim Staples, the director of apologetics and evangelization; Jimmy Akin, senior apologist; Father John Trigilio; Sister Rosalind Moss; and other expert apologists. Guests on “Catholic Answers LIVE” include our chaplain, Father Vincent Serpa, OP; philosopher Peter Kreeft, Father Mitch Pacwa, SJ, writer and publisher Patrick Madrid; president of Ignatius Press Mark Brumley; former New Age teacher Sharon Lee Gigante, and other top Catholic leaders such as Bishop of Oakland Salvatore Cordileone, the Postulator of Blessed Mother Teresa’s cause, Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, and many others.

The issues we discuss


“Catholic Answers LIVE” engages topics that touch on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You’ll hear frank discussions on anything and everything the Church teaches, including doctrinal controversies, family concerns, dangerous cultural trends, evangelization, ethics — you name it!


Help keep us on the air


Our success doesn’t come easily or cheaply. Many costs are incurred in producing “Catholic Answers LIVE” on a daily basis. We have four full-time staff members in our radio department, who handle everything from guest relations (scheduling, confirming, and preparing guests to be on the program) to hosting, call-screening and engineering the broadcast each day.


When you become a member of the Radio Club, your monthly donation goes a long way toward maintaining the vitality of our radio ministry, which has helped countless people all over America. One priest recently told us that three of his RCIA candidates named “Catholic Answers LIVE” as their reason for converting to Catholicism. If our show had not been on the air, these people may never have found their way into the fullness of the Christian faith.


Help keep this effort to evangelize growing stronger by joining our Radio Club today.

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