Who Is St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church?
St. Anthony of Padua, known to many simply as St. Anthony, is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. Born in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal, Anthony is renowned for his eloquence and insight as a preacher, his devotion to the poor, and his reputation as the patron saint of lost items. As one of the most prayed-to saints in the Church, Anthony’s influence extends far beyond his birthplace. In addition, more than just “the finder of lost things,” he is also celebrated as a great teacher, Doctor of the Church, and miracle worker.
Q & A: All About St. Anthony
What is St. Anthony known for?
St. Anthony of Padua is known for his eloquent preaching, his humility, and as the patron saint of lost items.
When is St. Anthony’s feast day celebrated?
St. Anthony’s feast day is celebrated on June 13th.
Where are St. Anthony’s relics located?
St. Anthony’s relics are enshrined at the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy.
Outside view of the Basilica of St. Anthony

Inside view of the Basilica of St. Anthony

What title was given to St. Anthony for his theological contributions?
St. Anthony was named a Doctor of the Church for his profound theological insights.
Why does St. Anthony hold the Child Jesus?
St. Anthony is often depicted carrying the Child Jesus because there is a pious legend that, towards the end of his life, he had a mystical experience in which the Christ Child appeared to him.
Life & Legacy
Early Life and Joining the Franciscan Order
St. Anthony was born Fernando Martins de Bulhões, a child of a wealthy family in Lisbon, Portugal. At a young age, he felt called to religious life and joined the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. After he witnessed the return home of the bodies of five Franciscan friars who had died sharing the gospel with Muslims, he soon decided to join the Franciscan Order. He sought a life of simplicity, service, and even willingness to die for Jesus and his Church, modeled after the witness of the great St. Francis of Assisi, who himself had shared the gospel with a Muslim sultan and lived to tell about it. He took the name “Anthony” upon entering the order, signifying his desire for a new identity rooted in humility and devotion.
Missionary and Preaching Work
St. Anthony was quieter by nature. However, when his superiors summoned him to preach one day, Anthony’s eloquence and profound knowledge of Scripture quickly earned him widespread recognition, both within the Franciscan community and the Church at large. St. Francis appointed Anthony to teach theology to his brother Franciscans and he traveled extensively, pursuing also his mission to proclaim the gospel to the common people. His sermons were known for their clarity and ability to impact the hearts of his listeners, and he drew crowds wherever he went. St. Anthony also fought against heresy with great zeal, preaching against the vices of luxury, avarice, and tyranny especially. He spoke openly to all: the rich and the poor, as well as the general populace and those in authority. St. Anthony’s humility and dedication to the Faith endeared him to many, making him a cherished figure both within the Church and society in general.
St. Anthony of Padua Fact Sheet Free PDF Printable Download
How Did St. Anthony Become a Doctor of the Church?
St. Anthony’s oratorical skills and deep understanding of Scripture and the Faith in general made him well-known in the Church not only in his own day, but ever since. His teachings dovetailed well with the spirit and ideal of St. Francis. St. Anthony was able to penetrate the depths of Scripture with great precision and erudition, yet he could also explain it in ways accessible to the common man. His theological insights earned him the title of “Doctor of the Church,” in recognition of his profound understanding and effective communication of Christian doctrine. St. Anthony’s sermons and writings continue to inspire theologians and laypeople alike.
Miracles and Legends
What are the most famous miracles attributed to St. Anthony?
St. Anthony’s reputation for miracles began during his lifetime and continued after his death. One of his most famous is that of the fishes. While preaching to the coastal town of Rimini, St. Anthony faced much rejection from the townsfolk, who refused to listen to him. In response, he turned to the sea, addressing the fish as he spoke of God’s care for all creatures. A large school of fish, drawing close to the shoreline, appeared to listen intently to St. Anthony. The amazed onlookers spread news of the miracle, and the villagers repented that day of their heretical ways!
In another case, the son of one rival family in Lisbon killed the son of another, then buried the body in the garden of Anthony’s father, making it appear that he had murdered the young man. Consequently, Anthony’s dad was wrongly convicted. God informed Anthony of the injustice and the saint miraculously traveled the twelve hundred miles from Padua to Lisbon in a couple of hours. Anthony had the boy’s body exhumed and firmly asked the corpse who had murdered him. The young man sat up, named his real murderer, and affirmed the innocence of Anthony’s father. He subsequently asked the saint to hear his confession and then, after receiving absolution from his sins, laid back down and died!
Why Is St. Anthony Invoked for Finding Lost Items?
St. Anthony is invoked as the patron of lost items because of a miracle linked to a document he reportedly lost. According to the legend, a novice friar who was leaving the community stole a commentary St. Anthony had written. The saint fervently prayed for its return. Meanwhile, the novice friar encountered a severe storm which he understood as God’s wrath for his theft. So he turned back and returned the manuscript to Anthony. Ever since, St. Anthony has been associated with a special ability to recover lost items, and countless Catholics can you tell you he has the track record to prove it.
Prayer to St. Anthony, Finder of Lost Items
St. Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find [name the item] which has been lost. At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God.
Novena to St. Anthony
Opening prayer
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me [mention your request here].
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
Then Say: Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be…
St. Anthony, pray for us!
(Repeat once a day for nine days)
Why We Pray to Saints
Additional Resources
Quick Q & A – Why is St. Anthony Invoked for the Finding of Lost Things?
Online Course
- Catholic Answers School of Apologetics: Defending the Saints Online Course In this online course (thirty-four lessons), you will learn the Church’s position on asking the saints to intercede for us and how to defend this doctrine. In this high quality, sophisticated series, Catholic Answers apologist Karlo Broussard explains the Church’s beautiful teaching in a way that’s easy to understand and share, providing solid biblical arguments that dispel many myths about our belief and practice regarding the saints.
Podcast—Catholic Answers Focus: Can ADDICTS be Saints? Watch or listen to a fascinating story about another unique saint!
St. Anthony of Padua’s life exemplifies unwavering faith, selfless service, and an acute dedication to spreading God’s word. His legacy as a Franciscan friar, teacher, and miracle-worker continues to inspire millions worldwide. Through his intercession, Catholics across the world seek comfort, guidance, and hope, making him one of the most famous saints in Church history. St. Anthony’s enduring recognition emphasizes his timeless relevance and his status as a beloved saint revered for his humility, piety, and miraculous interventions.