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Why do the U.S. bishops allow Dignity to propagate its teachings within numerous Catholic parishes?


Why do the U.S. bishops allow Dignity, a gay organization, to propagate its teachings within numerous Catholic parishes? I thought that Catholic bishops were supposed to follow the directives of the pope regarding teachings related to sexual morality?


I have no idea (nor does anyone else I know who is in a position to state the case with any authority) why many bishops permit such activities in their dioceses, activities in direct conflict with and contrary to Catholic teachings on morals, as expressed in directives from the pope and the Sacred Congregations at the Vatican. Nor will I attempt to guess at the motives.

It might be instructive to write the specific bishops involved and ask them the reasons these things are permitted in their dioceses and under their aegis. Of course bishops are supposed to follow the directives of the Holy Father, but we all know this isn’t always the case in real life. Perhaps we need to do more deliberate praying and intentional sacrifice that our bishops once again find the courage and faith to lead their flocks and become faithful shepherds once again.

Editor’s note: Homosexual Catholics who wish to live in obedience to the Church’s moral teaching will find support in Courage, which has many local chapters. Contact them at

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