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When Life Distracts You from Your Faith


I am in college, and I just did some immoral things with my girlfriend, and I don’t feel right. I have lost my faith since arriving at college, and I feel lost. How do I return to the right path?


Well, friend, you have not lost your faith at all. Rather, you may have lost interest in your faith because of the distractions your current life—such as being at college, having a girlfriend, studies, sports, work, and your social life. When we’re distracted from practicing our faith by so many things, then it can be that we commit some bigger sin, and then, because of our conscience, we remember Jesus and his teaching. So use your sin with your girlfriend as a big wake-up call to get back into the practice of your faith.

First, make a good confession; second, start praying daily (the rosary is perfect for keeping up a habit of prayer; if you don’t know how to pray it, just Google it); third, make sure you go to Mass each Sunday; fourth, read about your Faith. Trent Horn’s new book would be a great place to start. It’s called Why We’re Catholic, and you can get it on the Catholic Answers shop site. I am praying for you and your girlfriend that you grow in faith and love for Jesus.

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