The Honorable Scott J. Bloch was a Senate Confirmed Appointee who headed a nonpartisan federal enforcement agency for five years in national government. He now practices law in Washington DC in complex litigation, government fraud, and employment law, and founded that city’s Hilaire Belloc Society, and is a co-founder of the first known Hilaire Belloc Society in 1984 in Kansas as well as part of the founding of the International Hilaire Belloc Society in 1996 in Sussex, England. He is a co-founder of Wyoming Catholic College. He recently appeared in Polish media where he spoke on Catholics in Public Service and on Belloc on Radio Maryja radio and television, and also appeared on EWTN concerning The Essential Belloc on “Bookmark” with Doug Keck. He has appeared in the national media including The Wall Street Journal, National Catholic Register, the Washington Times, the New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, and NBC and has written in magazines and books, including book reviews on Belloc in Crisis Magazine as well as Caelum et Terra and has recent editorials in the Washington Times on matters of national interest.
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