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Kathryn Jean Lopez


Kathryn Jean Lopez has been praised for her “editorial daring.” An award-winning opinion journalist, Lopez is an editor-at-large of National Review Online and an associate editor at National Review (a.k.a. National Review on Dead Tree).

She is a graduate of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where she studied philosophy and politics. Before standing athwart history at National Review, she worked at the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank on Capitol Hill. Her work has been published in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington TimesThe Women’s QuarterlyThe National Catholic RegisterOur Sunday VisitorAmerican OutlookNew York Press, and The Human Life Review, among other publications.

Lopez has appeared on CNN, the Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and Oxygen, and is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows internationally. She speaks frequently, often to high-school and college groups.

She writes often on bioethics, religion, feminism, education, and politics. She has reported on topics as diverse as feminist indoctrination in the Girl Scouts, the politics of human cloning, and racial reparations. You can read her daily on NRO’s weblog, The Corner — where she is better known as “K-Lo.”

Lopez is a constituent of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Both Lopez and Rodham Clinton wish otherwise.

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