Jewels Green is a former abortion clinic worker turned ardent human rights advocate who supports the right-to-life from conception to natural death.
As a public speaker, Jewels’ testimony recalls her own coerced first-trimester abortion at age 17, which led to depression, suicide attempts, and a psychiatric hospital stay. She also reveals her decision to work in the abortion industry as a misguided way to mask her own personal heartbreak and anguish.
Her incredible transformation and eventual acceptance of the pro-life worldview is proof that people can heal from abortion. She is overjoyed to see the tide shifting in public opinion about abortion and credits this, in part, to the peaceful, prayerful presence of dedicated individuals providing material assistance to pregnant mothers in need.
Recently, Jewels received high praise from Paulette Matthews, Director of Chester County 40 Days for Life Campaign. “Jewels was 100% successful with everyone that attended. The deeper people are involved in pro-life work, the more she was appreciated by them, as the veils of wondering what happens inside an abortion clinc were finally taken down,” she said.
Generation Life’s Megan Mastroianni adds, “Jewels Green’s story is so inspiring. We thank her for her vulnerability, humor, and faith. Everyone loved [her talk] and her!”
Candid articles about her experience have been published online at Live Action, Life News, LifeSite News, and other related websites. A high-school dropout, Jewels went on to earn a Master’s degree in applied psychology. She is currently a stay-at-home mother of three boys.