Gary is a veteran Catholic apologist, radio host, and author. His books from Catholic Answers Press include Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger, Hostile Witnesses, and Revolt Against Reality. He is a frequent speaker at Catholic parishes around the United States and instructor of apologetics for Catholic Homeschool Connection.
Gary Michuta was born into a devout Catholic home. In the late 1980’s, many of Gary’s friends fell prey to anti-Catholic Fundamentalist Protestants and left the Faith. For him, the Catholic Faith was something to be believed, but it didn’t have anything to do with “real life” (i.e. philosophy, reason, sports, et al.). All that changed, when in 1989, Gary struck up a friendship with an anti-Catholic Fundamentalist and discovered that there is a rational, biblical, and historical case for Catholicism that is both compelling and exciting.
In 1992, Gary formed Thy Faith, Inc., a lay-run 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting Catholic apologetics and evangelism. Through parishes and conferences, Thy Faith, Inc. helped hundreds of Catholics learn and explain their Faith in a confident, competent and charitable fashion. Gary’s talks attempt to break through the typical “talking head” approach. He gets the audience involved in the talk. For conferences, Gary often includes mock debates so that his audience will learn not only what to say in a dialog, but how to say it. Gary was also the contributing editor of its bi-monthly publication Hands On Apologetics Magazine. After a two-part radio debate against anti-Catholic James McCarthy, Gary decided to author his first book that refutes McCarthy’s anti-Catholic work The Gospel According to Rome. The book is called The Gospel According to James McCarthy (Grotto Press, 2002). Today, McCarthy’s book has become a play book for anti-Catholic evangelists. Gary’s response has been a top selling antidote to McCarthy’s cavils.
In 2004, Gary participated in The Great Debate Series in Long Island, New York where he debated Dr. James White on the topic “The Dueterocanon / Apocrypha is Scripture.” The material for the debate involved four years of intensive research on the subject of the Deuterocanon. The fruit of this research is his book Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger: Did the Catholic Church Add Books to the Bible? (Grotto Press, 2007). Gary’s latest book is How to Wolf-Proof Your Kids: A Practical Guide to Keeping Your Kids Catholic (Grotto Press, 2010). This unique book gives Catholic parents and educators valuable insights into the deceptive tactics used by anti-Catholics and concrete suggestions on how to combat these methods. Gary Michuta was also the co-host of the local radio show Hands on Apologetics Live (Michigan Catholic Radio: WCAR, 1090 AM). He is also a frequent guest on various Catholic radio shows such as Catholic Answers Live, Searching the Word (Relevant Radio), and the Son Rise Morning Show (EWTN). He gave his “inversion story” on The Journey Home (EWTN) and he also worked as an uncredited consultant for Steve Ray’s Footsteps of God video series (Ignatius Press). Since 2003, Gary has developed apologetic material for the Eastern Church Re-Evangelization Commission (E.C.R.C) to aid the Chaldean Catholic Dioceses. Gary currently offers classes on Apologetics to Catholic parishes around the country. He teaches middle-school and high school apologetics online for Home School Connections and hosts a new radio program, Hands On Apologetics (on Virgin Most Powerful Radio). M-F 1-2pm EST.