E. Christian Kopff, editor of Tradition: Concept and Claim by Josef Pieper, has taught at the University of Colorado, Boulder since 1973 and has been Associate Director of the Honors Program since 1990. He is editor of a critical edition of the Greek text of Euripides’ Bacchae (Teubner, 1982) and author of over 100 articles and reviews on scholarly, pedagogical, and popular topics. He currently works with the Classics Department of the University of Urbino, Italy, on the manuscripts of ancient Greek lyric poetry. He is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome and has been awarded research grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the CU Committee on Research. His book, The Devil Knows Latin: Why America Needs the Classical Tradition (ISI Books, 1999; third edition 2002), is widely cited in the new Classical Education movement. He has twice been awarded the University of Colorado’s undergraduate Teaching Recognition Award from SOAR, the Student Organization for Alumni Relations. In fall 2004, he was appointed Director of the Center for Western Civilization at the University of Colorado, Boulder. In 2006 the Publication Committee of the American Philological Association named him Editor-in-Chief of volume IV of the APA Servius Project, a critical edition of ancient commentaries on the Latin poet, Virgil. He and his wife, Carmen–who teaches French at the University of Colorado–are the parents of two boys, Barrett and Theodore.