Bawden (or BALDWIN), WILLIAM, an English Jesuit, b. at Cornwall, 1563; d. at St.-Omer, September 28, 1632. Father Bawden studied for five years at Oxford and later spent some time at Douay College, from whence he went to Reims, arriving at the latter institution December 31, 1582. Leaving Reims, he went, August 13, 1583, to Rome and in the English College at that city he completed his studies for the priesthood and was ordained priest April 16, 1586. After his ordination he served one year as English penitentiary at St. Peter’s, when his health failed. He next went to Belgium and in 1590, on joining the Jesuits, be became professor of theology at Louvain. His health failing again, he went to Brussels, where he resided for eleven years. His next change was to Germany, where he was arrested and sent to England for an alleged connection with the Gunpowder Plot. He was incarcerated in the Tower for eight years and was tortured in the hope of extracting a confession from him. His innocence being established, he was liberated, but at the same time banished. In 1621 he was appointed rector of Louvain and the next year was transferred to the rectorship of St.-Omer’s College, where he remained until his death.