Amerbach, VEIT, b. at Wembdingen in 1503; d. at Ingolstadt, September 13, 1557, humanist, convert from Lutheranism to the Catholic Church. Educated at Eichstatt and Wittenberg, he taught philosophy, law, Oriental languages, and Lutheran theology at the latter place, where he lived in daily intercourse with Luther, Melancthon, and other leaders of the new movement. It was here that he came to recognize the novelty and falsity of the Lutheran doctrines, and the truth of the Church‘s teaching. After much controversial correspondence with Melancthon, he left Wittenberg in 1543, and was received, with his wife and children, into the Catholic Church. The Prince Bishop, Maurice von Hutten, made him professor of rhetoric at Eichstatt. A year later, he went to Ingolstadt, as professor of philosophy, where he remained until his death. He is counted among the great humanists of his age, and wrote a large number of learned works, such as: “Commentaria on Cicero and Horace”, the former of whom appears to be his favorite author; “Antiparadoxa”, whence many details of his life and studies are derived, and “Tres Epistolie”, concerning the ecclesiastical controversies of the period.