Pedro de Cordova, b. at Cordova, Andalusia, Spain, about 1460; d. on the Island of Santo Domingo, 1525. He studied theology at the University of Salamanca and there joined the Dominicans. About 1510 he went to Santo Domingo, founding the Santa Cruz province of the order. He was a zealous protector of the Indians and a friend of Las Casas. His book, “Doctrina cristiana pars instruccion é informacion de los Indios por manera de historia”, was printed in 1544 at Mexico by directions of Bishop Zumàrraga. It was destined for the education of the Indians, chiefly of the islands, and is one of the earliest books of catechism known to have been composed in America. Fray Pedro was the first inquisitor appointed in the New World. He enjoyed the reputation of a model priest, highly respected by the clergy, the laity, and the Indians.