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Giovanni Battista de Rossi

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De Rossi, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, a distinguished Christian archeologist, best known for his work in connection with the Roman catacombs, b. at Rome, February 23, 1822; d. at Castel Gandolfo on Lake Albano, September 20, 1894. De Rossi, the modern founder of the science of Christian archaeology, was well-skilled in secular archaeology, a master of epigraphy, an authority on the ancient and medieval topography of Rome, an excellent historian, and a very productive and many-sided author. In addition to his professional acquaintance with archaeology De Rossi had a thorough knowledge of law, philology, and theology. He was the son of Commendatore Camillo Luigi De Rossi and Marianna Marchesa Bruti, his wife, who had two sons, Giovanni and Michele gtefano. Two days after birth Giovanni was baptized in the parish church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva and, according to Roman custom, was confirmed while still very young, by Cardinal Franzoni, Prefect of the Propaganda. Up to 1838 De Rossi attended the preparatory department of the well-known Jesuit institution, the Collegio Romano, and through his entire course ranked as its foremost pupil. From 1838 to 1840 he studied philosophy there, and jurisprudence (1840-44) at the Roman University (Sapienza), where he was a disciple of the celebrated professors Villani and Capalti. At the close of his university studies he received, after a severe examination, the degree of doctor utriusque juris ad honorem.

De Rossi showed so strong an interest in Christian antiquity that on his eleventh birthday his father wished to give him the great work of Antonio Bosio, “La Roma Sotterranea. In 1843, before he received the doctor’s degree, he matured a plan for a systematic and critical collection of all Christian inscriptions. In 1841, notwithstanding the protests of his anxious father, he visited, for the first time, under the guidance of the Jesuit Father Marchi, one of the then much neglected catacombs. After this De Rossi and Mar-chi pursued their archaeological studies together, so that they were known as “the inseparable friends”, though the difference in years was great. As soon as he had finished his studies De Rossi was appointed scriptor at the Vatican Library and bore this modest but honorable title, in which he took especial pride, all his life. Great credit is due him for his careful cataloguing of hundreds of Vatican manuscripts. The free use of the treasures of the Vatican Library and archives was a rich source of development for his intellectual powers, especially in the sense of breadth and catholicity of interest. His official duties were not heavy, and he was able to carry on his private studies without hindrance. In 1838, in company with his parents, he went on his first journey and visited Tuscany, where the innumerable treasures of art completely absorbed his attention. During the summers of 1844-50 he visited the territory of the ancient Hernici in Latium and also Naples; in this way the knowledge he attained of the period of the Roman Republic was not purely theoretical. In 1853 he travelled for the first time by himself and went again to Tuscany, also to the Romagna, Lombardy, and Venice. In 1856 he visited Liguria, Piedmont, Switzerland, France, and Belgium; in 1858 he went again to Piedmont, visited the western part of Switzerland, and the district of the Rhine as far as Cologne; from Cologne he went by way of Aachen, Trier, and Frankfort to Bavaria and Austria, and back to Rome by way of Venice and the Romagna. On a second trip to France in 1862 he visited the northern part of that country, and after going for a short time to London returned by way of Paris and Switzerland to Rome. In 1864 he went to Naples for a second time, and in 1865 was in France for the third time, visiting particularly the southern French cities. In 1868 he was again in France, and in 1869 and 1870 he went to Tuscany and Umbria; in 1872-75 he explored the vicinity of Rome; in 1876 and 1879 he investigated the treasures of Naples and the surrounding country, and in 1878 he made a trip again to Venice and Lombardy.

These journeys of De Rossi are of much importance for the proper appreciation of his scientific labors. Such long and fatiguing expeditions were undertaken solely in order to inspect museums, libraries, galleries, archives, and other institutions of learning and art, to form personal relations with the scholars of the countries visited, and to increase the range of his mental outlook, always fixed on a subject as a whole. De Rossi’s extraordinary knowledge of the most obscure monuments of the civilized countries of Europe, and his thorough familiarity with manuscript sources, made it possible for him, as undisputed leader and master, to guide the science of Christian archaeology, not unjustly called his science, during several decades, into new paths. These journeys help to explain De Rossi’s remarkable literary productiveness, especially when considered in connection with his minute investigation of all the monuments, both on the surface and underground, of the city of Rome and the Roman Campagna. These investigations covered the ancient pagan life of Rome, the early Christian period, also the Middle Ages.

De Rossi’s personal relations with the leading scholars of Italy and other countries began in his early youth. When he was fourteen the famous Cardinal Mai, Librarian of the Holy Roman Church, found him copying Greek inscriptions in the inscription gallery of the Vatican and became greatly interested in the lad; the acquaintance later ripened into a warm friendship. In 1847 began his connection as a scholar with the famous epigraphist, Bartolommeo Borghesi of San Marino; at a later date Borghesi’s works were issued at the expense of Napoleon III under De Rossi’s direction. A few years after forming the acquaintance of Borghesi a correspondence was begun between De Rossi and the Benedictine Dom Pitra, of Solesmes, later Cardinal, and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church, which ended in a warns friendship with Pitra. This, however, led to an estrangement between Leo XIII and De Rossi. Father Bruzza, the learned Barnabite, was also an intimate friend of De Rossi. Wilhelm Henzen, long director of the German archaeological institute at Rome, lived in friendship and daily communication with De Rossi for forty years. When the Berlin Academy of Sciences, urged by Theodor Mommsen, undertook its monumental publication, the “Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum”, it sent a flattering letter to De Rossi to request his cooperation. This led to an intimate friendship with Mommsen. The latter’s numerous collaborators on the “Corpus”, among them Edwin Bormann, the noted authority on epigraphy, found De Rossi ever ready to assist and guide them. Martigny, the editor of the French edition of the “Bullettino” (see below), as well as Paul Allard, editor of the French edition of “Roma Sotterranea”, and Desbassyns de Richemont, were all closely united to De Rossi by the interests of their common work. To these must be added Louis Duchesne, the brilliant director of the Ecole de Rome, and collaborator with De Rossi on the recent edition (1894) of the “Martyrologium Hieronymianum”. Leopold Delisle, the celebrated savant, palaeographer, and historian, for many years the head of the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, was a man of the same learned tastes as De Rossi; their meeting led to a very active scientific correspondence, and later to a strong attachment, based on their scholarly interests. When, about 1850, Edouard Le Blant formed the acquaintance of De Rossi, he was totally ignorant of archaeology, but an accidental remark of De Rossi led him to take up this science; eventually he became a distinguished archaeologist and the director of the Ecole de Rome.

Among German Catholics De Rossi’s closest friend-ship as a scholar was with Franz Xaver Kraus. The cool reception he had from Dellinger, whom he once met at Munich, prevented the forming of any lasting relations. From 1884 Joseph Wilpert came into closer relations with De Rossi, who, up to his death, gave this scholar all possible aid and showed the younger man the greatest friendship. The same may be said of Johann Peter Kirsch, archaeologist, patrologist, and historian. De Rossi also encouraged the labors of Anton de Waal, the founder and editor of the “Romische Quartalschrift”, and was a helpful friend to numerous other German scholars. For many years De Rossi’s relations were especially intimate with Giuseppe Gatti, his assistant in various kinds of learned work. Gatti’s fine scholarship enabled De Rossi to carry on daily confidential discussions of learned questions which, after the death of Henzen, had apparently come to an end. Gatti continues De Rossi’s labors in the province of ancient inscriptions. Henry Stevenson, who died too soon, riano Armellini, an enthusiast in archaeology, Luigi gliosi, the numismatist, Orazio Marucchi, a popuzer of Christian archaeology, Cosimo Stornaiolo, “Grecian”, besides many other Italians, among whom Gennaro Aspreno Galante of Naples deserves to be named, found in De Rossi a fatherly friend and nsellor. Among his English disciples and friends especially J. Spencer Northcote and W. R. wnlow who made known to the English-speaking world the results of De Rossi’s scholarly investigations and publications. For years Northcote and wnlow, and Lewis at Oxford, were in constant correspondence with De Rossi.

Distress is thus laid on the important personal acquaintance and friendships of De Rossi, in order to emphasize with what skill he stimulated interest in Christian archaeology in directions. Equally important, perhaps, were relations established with him in the years around 1850—during which he counted many strangers high rank, through the catacombs, or as their guide. The friendships made often secured him the loan of monuments and documents which otherwise would have been sent, even temporarily, to a foreign country, but which were given to him at Rome.

Though the science of Christian archeology was rather foreign to the mental temper of Leo I that pope often showed that, on the proper occasion, he could do justice to De Rossi’s great reputation. In Rome, De Rossi was exceedingly popular; nearly all educated citizens, as well as the foreign residents, honored him. Without some knowledge of these facts De Rossi’s learned labors and extraordinary success would be only superficially understood. . Because of his peculiar training, therefore, De Rossi was fitted to understand sympathetically the early Christian literature, as well as the rise and development of the Roman State as shown in the monuments as left. In regard to the Roman State, he never held the somewhat mechanical and no longer undisputed theory of Mommsen. He penetrated also with marvellous insight the growth of the primitive Chris-hierarchy. Amid his books and papers De Rossi pondered over the ruins of the temples and palaces of antiquity; reviewed his own subterranean explorations; followed the early Christians in their thoughts, hopes, and ideals; and contemplated the triumph of the Church. Gathered in yellowed manuscripts the traditions that a learned multitude of pious and painstaking monks had written concerning the Christian past, and in addition theaccounts they have left us of their own times. In this way De Rossi was soon universally acknowledged, even in his lifetime, as the prince of Christian archaeologists. Owing to his extraordinary literary productivity, which was the natural result of the conditions outlined above, a distinction must be drawn between his minor and his greater works. The list of his minor writings (monographs) begins in 1849 with the memoir: “Iscrizione onoraria di Nicomaco Flaviano”, which appeared in the “Annali dell’ Istituto di corrispondenza archeologica” (pp. 283-363). These archaeological and ecclesiastico-historical papers number 203, not including the so-called literary letters in which De Rossi answered the questions addressed him by various scholars. Most of these letters were given publicity in books or periodicals by those to whom they were sent. Nor does this total include an almost countless series of Latin inscriptions, expressions of literary homage, congratulatory epigrams, etc. Most of the monographs, often quite lengthy, appeared in “Bullettino dell’ Istituto di corrispondenza archeologica”; “Bullettino archeologico Napolitano”; “Revue arch eologique”; “Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma”; “Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes”; “Ephemeris epigraphica”; “Studi e documen-ti di storia e diritto”; “Dissertazioni dell’ accademia romana pontificia di archeologia”; “Melanges d’archeologie et d’histoire de A’ecole francaise de Rome“; “Romische Quartalschrift”, and in other Italian and foreign periodicals and reviews. A few ofthese papers appeared as separate volumes or as learned tributes on anniversary occasions. They vary in length from one to one hundred and thirty-two printed pages. The titles of his larger and monumental works are as follows: (I) “Inscriptiones christianw Urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores” (vol. I, Rome, 1861; part I of vol. II, Rome, 1888); Giuseppe Gatti is completing this work (cf. “Archivio della R. Society Romanadi storia patria”, 1887, 696 sqq.; also the same society’s “Conferenze pel torso di metodologia della storia”, part III, Rome, 1888). (2) “La Roma Sotterranea Cristiana” (vol. I with an atlas of forty plates, Rome, 1864; vol. II with an atlas of sixty-twoand A, B, C, D plates, Rome, 1867; vol. III with an atlas of fifty-two plates, Rome, 1877). The plates for the fourth volume were already printed in part when De Rossi died (see “Bullettino di archeologia cristiana”, 1864, I, 1864, 63-64; 1867, II, 89-90; 1876, III, 155-57). (3) “Bullettino di archeologia cristiana”; the first series, in quarto, appeared in monthly numbers (1863-69), with illustrations in the text and colored plates; it consisted of one hundred and twenty-six monographs and communications. The second series, in octavo, appeared quarterly (1870-75), with twelve lithographic plates in each volume, and contained altogether fifty-three papers. The third series, also in octavo, appeared (1876-81), in quarterly numbers, each volume having twelve lithographic plates; the papers numbered altogether fifty-one. The fourth series, in octavo, appeared in yearly volumes (1882-89), each volume having twelve lithographic plates; the six volumes contain altogether forty-three papers. The fifth series, in octavo, appeared annually (1889-94), with zincotype plates and illustrations in the text; the last number was issued in 1894 by Giuseppe Gatti. The final volume of each series contained a full index which De Rossi prepared with the greatest care. (4) “Musaici delle chiese di Roma anteriori al secolo XV” (Rome, 1872), an imperial folio consisting of chromolithographic plates with a text in French and Italian. The work closed with the twenty-fifth number, issued after De Rossi’s death. (5) “Codicum latinorum bibliothecae Vatican“, vol. X, Pt. I, Nos. 7245-8066, Pt. II, Nos. 8067-8471; vol. XI, Nos. 8472-9019; vol. XII, Nos. 9020-9445; vol. XIII, Nos. 9446-9849. The indexes to vols. XI, XII, XIII, “Codicum lat. Vat.” are: Pt. I, index of authors; Pt. II, index of places, things, and persons. These manuscript indexes are used as reference books in the Vatican Library. (6) “Inscriptiones Urbis Romae latinae. Collegerunt Gulielmus Henzen et Johannes Baptista de Rossi. Ediderunt Eugenius Bormann et Gulielmus Henzen” (Berlin, 1876-). This constitutes the sixth volume of the “Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum consilio et auctoritate academiae litter-arum regiae Borussicai. editum” (Berlin). The invitation to De Rossi to act as one of the leading editors was given January 22, 1854. (7) The five annual reports (1854-58), concerning the preparatory work for the above-mentioned “Corpus Inscriptionum”, which appeared in the monthly bulletins of the Royal Academy of Science of Berlin. The other annual reports have not been published; this is also the case with De Rossi’s synopses of the epigraphical manuscripts in the libraries of Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. The last named summaries are of the greatest importance. (8) “Euvres completes de Bartolommeo Borghesi” (9 vols., Paris, 1862-84). Napoleon III entrusted the task of collecting and editing the works and letters of the celebrated Borghesi to a committee of French, German, and Italian scholars, among whom De Rossi may be said to have been the most important and assiduous. (9) “Martyrologium Hieronymianum”, prepared and edited in collaboration with Louis Duchesne in vol. I, November, of the Acta SS. (Brussels, 1894). This edition is a masterpiece and most of the objections raised against it by German scholars are of little importance.

The works briefly described above give some conception of the learned labors De Rossi carried on during his life. They are proofs of the genius with which he grasped a subject, of his extraordinary industry, his learned mastery of the most varied subjects, and the unwavering determination with which he unearthed obscure points; they also show the triumphs with which his toils were so richly crowned. The estimation in which his work was held is proved by the two international celebrations in 1882 and 1892 upon his sixtieth and seventieth birthdays.

De Rossi’s father died in 1850, and his mother in 1861. In the latter year he married Costanza, daughter of Count Pietro Bruno di San Giorgio Tornafort of Piedmont, by whom he had two daughters; Marianna, the elder, died in 1864. The second, Natalia, born in 1866, married the Marchese Filippo Ferraioli. De Rossi’s brother Michele Stefano was his zealous assistant in the exploration of the catacombs; the geological questions connected with these subterranean places of burial and all kindred subjects are treated by Michele in separate papers in “Roma Sotterranea”. He also prepared the very accurate plans of the catacombs. De Rossi was a portly man of fine appearance, somewhat over the middle height. The full, well-proportioned face was surrounded by a grayish beard which left the chin free. The clear, calm eyes lost much of their strength, so that he could not always supervise properly the work of his painters and draughtsmen in the catacombs. This explains the numerous inaccurate illustrations in his works which Wilpert has corrected. The smoothly brushed hair gave greater prominence to the high domed forehead. In walking De Rossi bent slightly forward, which mannerism gave to his gait an appearance of much deliberateness. On the street he was generally busy with a book or pamphlet. De Rossi heard Mass every day and went to Communion nearly every week. Generous, unobtrusive charity was a second nature with him. Every evening he gathered all the members of his household about him for the recitation of the rosary. Although he very often received tempting offers to desert the cause of the Holy See and join the party of United Italy, he rejected all such proposals, even when they came from the highest authorities. On this point he was absolutely immovable. A few months after the international celebration of his seventieth birthday in 1892, De Rossi had an attack of apoplexy from which he never entirely recovered. Unable after this to use his right hand he continued to write with the left for the “Bullettino” and in making the corrections to the “Martyrologium”. But his days were numbered. In the summer of 1894 Leo XIII offered him the use of an apartment in the papal palace at Castel Gandolfo, where he peacefully passed away, a true son of the Church. He was buried in the Agro Verano (general cemetery) at Rome.


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