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Ceramus, a titular see of Asia Minor. Ceramus (or Keramos) was a city of Caria, subject at first to Stratonicea, afterwards autonomous, and one of the chief cities of the Systema Chrysaorikon (Bulletin de corresp. hellen., IX, 468). In Roman times it coined its own money. It is mentioned in the “Notitiae episcopatuum” until the twelfth or thirteenth century, as suffragan to Aphrodisias, or Stauropolis. We know but three bishops: Spudasius, at Ephesus in 431; Maurianus, at Nicaea in 787; and Symeon, at the council which reinstated Photius in 879. Ceramus has preserved its old name, but is now only a small village in the vilayet of Smyrna, on the north shore of Gueuk-Abaa bay (the Keramic Gulf), not far from the sea.
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