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Association organized to promote the interests of the Catholic press, particularly the daily press, of Germany

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Augustinus-Verein, the, an association organized in 1878 to promote the interests of the Catholic press, particularly the daily press, of Germany. The society proposes to attain its end (I) by giving its moral support to the establishment of Catholic papers; (2) by furnishing trustworthy information and authentic news to the daily papers; (3) by training Catholic journalists, and giving assistance to the members of the profession in need of it; (4) by representing the interests of the profession; (5) by securing positions and giving information and assistance in all matters connected with journalism, free of charge; and finally (6) by endeavoring to bring about the harmonious cooperation of Catholic publishers, as well as uniformity in treating the questions of the day. The lack of organization on the part of the Catholic Press first became obvious at an early stage of the Kulturkampf; several unsuccessful attempts were made to supply the deficiency, among others the formation of a society of publishers. The first feasible steps were taken at the Catholic Convention at Würzburg; at subsequent gatherings plans were matured, and at Dusseldorf, May 15, 1878, a program was drawn up which is substantially followed out in the present Augustinus-Verein. Dusseldorf became the center of the Verein, which, now that it has spread throughout Germany, is divided into ten groups, corresponding to geographical divisions, each, to a large extent autonomous. A general assembly is held annually. The Verein has its own organ, the “Augustinusblatt”, published at Krefeld. It also conducts a literary bureau, a beneficial society, a parliamentary correspondence association of the center Party, in Berlin, and an employment agency. In 1904 the society had a regular membership of 850, in addition to the associate membership.


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