Broglie, AUGUSTE-THEODORE-PAUL DE, abbe, professor of apologetics at the Institut Catholique at Paris, and writer on apologetic subjects, b. at Auteuil, May 18, 1834; d. May 11, 1895. He was the son of Achille-Victor, Duc de Broglie, and his wife, Albertine de Stag, a Protestant and the daughter of Madame de Stall. After the death of the mother, who died young, he was brought up by the Baroness Auguste de Stag, nee Vernet; this aunt, although also a Protestant, exerted herself “to make a large-minded Christian of him in the Church to which she did not belong” (Monseigneur d’Hulst in “Le Cor-‚Ä¢ respondant”, May 25, 1895). Entering the Navy young, Broglie was appointed Ensign in 1857 and soon after Lieutenant. While thus occupied he felt himself called to the ecclesiastical state. After taking the preparatory studies he was ordained priest, October 18, 1870. In his numerous publications the Abbe de Broglie was always a faithful defender of Catholic dogma. At the time of his death, which resulted from the violence of an insane person, he was preparing a book on the agreement of reason and faith. His most important work is “L’histoire des religions”. Of his other writings, some of which were pamphlets and some articles in reviews, the following may be mentioned: “Le positivisme et la science experimentale”; “Religion de Zoroastre et religion vedique”; “Le bouddhislne”; “Religions neobrahmaniques de l’Inde”; “L’islamisme”; “La vraie definition de la religion”; “La transcendance du christianisme”; “L’histoire religieuse d’Israel”; “Les prophetes et les propheties, d’apres les travaux de Kuenen”; “L’idee de Dieu clans l’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament”; “Le present et l’avenir du catholicisme en France“. Two posthumous publications, “Questions bibliques” and “Religion et critique”, were edited by the Abbe Piat.