Ange de Sainte Rosalie, a French genealogist and friar of the house of the Petits-Peres of the Discalced Augustinians, b. at Blois, 1655; d. in Paris, 1726. His real name was Francois Vaffard. After making his religious profession in 1672, he filled many important offices in the houses of his order, and finally devoted himself to the study of genealogy, contributing extensively to the “Grande dietionnaire historique” of Moreri. From the materials collected by Pere Anselme and Caille de Fourny he prepared the “Histoire genealogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France et des grandsofficiers de la couronne”, which was left unfinished at his death, but completed by Pere Simplicien, his collaborator. The latter also prepared three additional volumes. His other works include “L’Etat de la France“, edited in 1749 by the Benedictines of Saint-Maur, with a supplementary volume on the coronation, the armorial bearings, and prerogatives of the kings of France.