Bernard, ALEXIS-XYSTE. Bishop of St. Hyacinth, P. Q., Canada. b. at Belceil, P. Q., December 29, 1847, He made his classical and theological studies under the Sulpician Fathers in Montreal, and was ordained priest October 1, 1871. After a year as curate he became successively President of Sorel College, Canon of the Cathedral, Archdeacon, Secretary for the diocese, Vicar-General, Provost of the Chapter, and Prothonotary Apostolic. After the death of Bishop Moreau, in 1901, Msgr. Bernard was continued in the office of Vicar-General by Bishop Decelles, and, when the latter died, in 1905, was elected Vicar-Capitular. The Institute of the Sisters of St. Joseph, owe to him their organization, and formation as a teaching body. Besides “Synodal Decrees” and a summary of the “Clerical Conferences”, he edited the “Pastoral Letters” of the bishops of the diocese, in nine volumes. He declined the See of St. Hyacinth on the plea of his enfeebled health, until he:received from Pope Pius X a peremptory order to accept. He was consecrated February 15, 1906.