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Introducing People to Jesus

Questions Covered:

  • 09:50 - How can I communicate with a non-Catholic who believes in nothing but what’s in the Bible?
  • 18:00 - For a while I thought I was called to evangelize to a leader of a non-Catholic Church, but he hasn’t replied to any of my contacts at all. Should I just give up, or try something else?
  • 22:32 - How can I explain to my brother that Jesus is our brother without taking away from his glory as Son of God?
  • 29:06 - Jesus said to make disciples, but there’s not one set way to do that. What’s the next step after telling people about Jesus?
  • 35:40 - I wear t-shirts with Catholic messages on them and wear a rosary from my belt, and I think that’s an effective way to evangelize without words.
  • 41:45 - I find myself getting defensive a lot. What’s an effective strategy for someone like me with a short temper or who might be too attached to logic when a more pastoral approach would be better?
  • 46:06 - What do you do when a best friend says that you don’t have to know God to get to heaven, you just have to be a good person?
  • 49:50 - How do I evangelize family members?
  • 52:25 - How are we supposed to evangelize, which is a public activity, in accord with Jesus’s condemnation of the hypocrites who make a big show of themselves?
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