Audio only:
Questions Covered:
- 02:14 - How could God have 1 will and Jesus 2 wills without us saying that the Father and the Holy Spirit both have a human will?
- 06:57 - How do I get over the fear of Mary?
- 15:50 - How is veneration of relics not superstition?
- 20:08 - Is there a parallel between Jesus being fully God and being fully man and the Eucharist being fully bread and fully Jesus?
- 29:57 - When I went through RCIA they said purgatory wasn’t real. Can you clarify?
- 40:45 - What is the Consecration of Russia? What are we supposed to do?
- 46:40 - My future daughter in law wanted to get married soon but didn’t finish the RCIA process. Can she still get married in the Church?
- 50:04 - Can you clarify Revelation 5:8?
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