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Response to Asbury Revival

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 10:38 - How can we rightly talk about the soul in terms of relational but not physical terms? 
  • 20:44 - If we’re not in a state of grace and we’re praying, do the prayers not get through to God because we’re not in a state of grace? Will they then get retroactively answered after confession? 
  • 24:13 - Jimmy writes that the verse about cutting sin off is not literal. How are we so confident that if we were to be literal about it that it would not be a grave sin? 
  • 33:58 - What’s the difference between Catholic and someone that calls themselves just Christian? Do Catholics believe everything they do but not vice versa? 
  • 37:54 - How should we as Catholics respond to the Asbury University revival? Also, can a Catholic receive communion at an Orthodox church and vice versa? 
  • 45:54 - In Deuteronomy 21:10-14, is the captive war bride being raped or not? 
  • 51:37 - In the gospel of John, why would it be unfitting for Jesus to say, “When you see me, you see the Holy Spirit”?
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