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Questions Covered:

  • 01:44 - Can and should the Filioque be removed now? Or is it still important to keep it? 
  • 06:25 - Is it okay to attend a non-Catholic wedding of a fallen-away Catholic? Does being a godparent or confirmation sponsor have any bearing on that? 
  • 14:18 - Does the Church’s teaching on self-defense include the right to bear arms? If it does, how does this fit with bishops and the pope calling for more gun control? 
  • 20:56 - Is it acceptable to smoke medical marijuana? 
  • 28:51 - In Luke 17:22-37, was Jesus talking about the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 or about his second coming? 
  • 39:39 - Why was Fr. Frank Pavone laicized?  
  • 46:49 - I’ve heard that Pope Gregory Great did not accept the book Maccabees in a debate on the Canon of scripture. Is this a misrepresentation or a valid argument? 
  • 50:30 - If only God can hear our thoughts, does it make sense to pray interiorly to the Saints or Our Lady? 
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