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David-Augustin de Brueys

French theologian and dramatic author, b. at Aix in 1640; d. November 25, 1723, at Montpellier

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Brueys, DAVID-AUGUSTIN DE, a French theologian and dramatic author, b. at Aix in 1640; d. November 25, 1723, at Montpellier. His family was Protestant, and he was brought up a Calvinist. After devoting some time to the study of law, he applied himself to theology with so much success that he was made a member of the consistory of Montpellier. In 1681, he published an answer to Bossuet’s “Exposition of Catholic Doctrine”, entitled “Reponse au livre de M. de Condom intitule Exposition de la doctrine catholique” (Geneva, 1681). He was soon, however, converted by Bossuet himself, abjured Protestantism in 1682, and, after his wife’s death, became a priest. Before his conversion he wrote, besides the “Reponse”, the “Suite du Preservatif (de Jurieu) contre le changement de religion” (1682).

His principal works, written after his conversion, are: “Examen des raisons qui ont donne lieu a la separation des protestants” (Paris, 1683), in which he explains the reasons of his conversion; “Traite de la sainte messe” (Paris, 1683); “Defense du culte exterieur de l’Eglise catholique” (Paris, 1686); “Reponse aux plaintes des protestants contre les moyens que l’on emploie en France pour les reunir a l’Eglise” (Paris, 1686); “Traite de l’Eglise” (Paris, 1686); “Traite de l’Eucharistie” (Paris, 1686); “Histoire du fanaticisme de notre temps” (I, 1692; II, 1709; III and IV, 1713); “Traite de l’obeissance des chretiens aux puissances ternporelles” (Paris, 1710); “Traite du legitime usage de la raison principalement sur les objets de la foi” (Paris, 1717).

In collaboration with Palaprat, Brueys also wrote several comic plays and a few tragedies, most of which were produced with great success. They were published in two volumes in 1712, under the title of “Oeuvres dramatiques”. A new edition of three volumes appeared in 1735, with the author’s life by De Launay; again in 1755 (5 vols.), under the title of “Oeuvres de Brueys et Palaprat”; and finally in 1812 (2 vols.) as “Oeuvres choisies”.


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