Questions Covered:
- 03:27 - How can I get across to my confirmation students the importance of going to confession?
- 11:53 - How did the Magi know that the star of Bethlehem was leading them to the king of the Jews?
- 16:21 - Does Joe still hate cheesecake or have you repented of that sin? And is Cy going to release a full version of St. Irenaeus and the Goblet of Fire?
- 22:26 - I heard Catholics say that Scripture has a kind of primacy over Tradition. But that seems to contradict what I’ve read in the Catechism and Dei Verbum. Can you explain?
- 31:19 - The shroud of turin is one cloth, but one of the Gospels clearly says there’s a separate cloth for his head. Is that a problem?
- 34:33 - What is the Catholic position on embryos? Are they alive or just tissue?
- 43:44 - Can you help me explain the role of Mary in salvation history?
- 48:39 - How can we know God, and in what way is a person able to know God?
- 52:05 - How can be there different levels of approach to God in heaven? I’m uncomfortable with that idea.
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